Chapter 47: The pressure from beneath

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Zoe's POV

I stared out the window at the pouring rain, rubbing my baby bump. A few weeks have gone by, and everything has been going perfectly.

The baby is doing great and I'm also due to give birth any day now within the coming week. It was exciting and nerve-wracking. How was I going to be as a mother? Everything is becoming more real to me now that the baby is so close to arriving.

I could still remember when the doctor announced the gender of the baby.

"Congratulations, you are having a boy," The doctor announced staring at the screen.

Alex and I both looked at each other, our eyes holding the same excitement.

"Everything looks pretty good with the baby; it will all be fine." She continued.

I also finally had my baby shower. Reina and Abby planned the whole thing. Everything was amazing, especially the decorations and the food, not to mention the games. I got emotional when my mom started sharing pictures and childhood memories of my brother and me. It made me realize we all grow old; maybe sooner than I think I will be planning my son's wedding.

I also got a lot of baby stuff from the shower. My parents along with Abby and Reina went crazy and brought way too many things. The baby would have more than enough clothes for the next two years, the only problem is that by then, all the clothes would no longer fit.

The hardest part was convincing Alex not to have everything donated to charity, he doesn't realize that not everyone is crazy enough to buy baby shoes for ten thousand dollars. I needed to remind him that everything had come from a place of love, but he still isn't too happy about it.

"What colour do you want the nursery to be painted?" Alex asked drawing me out of my thoughts.

"Maybe grey or a shade that's a bit closer to white," I suggested.

Alex had decided that he would be single-handedly preparing everything in the baby's room, including painting. I couldn't wait to watch this disaster.

I brought myself a new house, I decided that I needed a lot more space with the baby, so he could play in a nice big garden. Well, I brought it in on a loan otherwise I couldn't have afforded it with the neighbourhood that it's in. Steven and I have already started on our deal and so far, everything has been going great. I made it clear to Alexander that I didn't want any of his money. That was until I found out that he brought the bank, so technically I owed him money. I should have known he would pull such a stunt; I was shocked that the bank would approve such a big loan.

Everything has been going great so far, apart from my friendship with Rafael. I haven't spoken to him since, I stopped trying to call him at some point. I just wanted to understand him and everything that happened.

Rafael and Sebastian are still a heavy subject for Alex, I think deep down he still hasn't accepted it and won't deal with it either. He refuses to talk about either of them, he has just been avoiding everything regarding the two of them. The last time we spoke about Rafael, it was to issue a warning about how dangerous he was and that I should stay away from him.

"I think we should take a break and get something to eat," Alexander spoke dusting off his hands coming from the nursery.

He had been working on it since morning, he is really committed to this.

I walked past him and into the nursery to check his progress.

Some of the furniture was still covered by plastic to protect it from the paint since we still weren't done decorating. With baby clothes already neatly packed in the cupboard and the bookshelf in place on the side of the wall that was already painted. He had already prepared the baby's crib which was in the corner of the room. I must say, everything was coming out pretty well. I didn't think he could pull it off.

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