Chapter 1: Starlight diamonds

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I laid on my couch and placed my bowl of popcorn on my lap.

It was Friday night, that meant I would find some killer series and binge-watch until I fell asleep.

While my friends were out on Friday nights, I stayed at home watching a romance movie about 'true love' that clearly didn't exist.

'Just because your life is sad doesn't mean everyone else's is.' A soft voice said in my head

I finally settled on the vampire diaries after scrolling and searching for about ten minutes. It was my all-time favourite. No matter how many times I watched it, I still found myself surprised by what happened next.

I filled my mouth with popcorn as I watched Damon and Katherine driving away from Mystic Falls.

My cell phone rang, interrupting me from the series.

It was my best friend Reina. It was a routine now, calling me every Friday night as if I needed to be baby sat. She was probably calling to invite me to some stupid nightclub or something.

"Hi Reina," I said trying to sound as cheerful as possible.

"Abby and I going to Starlight diamonds. Abby knows a friend who knows the owner, she managed to get us some passes. You should come. Meet me at my house." She said.

I was right, another nightclub.

"I can't, I'm busy tonight." I lied.

"With what? Binge-watching some dumb series, you can do that any other night." Reina said.

"First of all, The vampire diaries isn't dumb," I corrected her. "And lastly I'm very busy tonight, I have something going on." I lied again.

"Fine," Reina said with a sigh. "You are not going to get away with this next Friday... "She said.

"Okay, bye. Love you," I interrupted her then hung up before she tried to lecture me.

Usually, she would keep calling until I agree to go with her, only for me to cancel on the last minute.

I placed my phone on my wooden coffee table.

I rested my head on the pillow getting back to the series.

Just as I had made myself comfortable, my phone vibrated on the table indicating that I had a notification.

I took my phone off the table and viewed the message.

You are invited to Emma's baby shower.

The message read.

"Baby," A voice inside of my head repeated.

I would have loved to be a mother myself, life just never gave me the chance.

I found myself thinking of my ex-fiance Girard. We were going to get married, three weeks before our wedding I found him in bed with his secretary.

Only heaven knows how long he had been cheating on me.

After three years in a relationship, he still cheated. My other ex-boyfriends before that, didn't last a month before they started cheating.

You can say, I have trust issues.
Probably just bad taste.

Girard and I were going to get married and start a family. I would have had children of my own. Reina said it was for the best that I found out about his cheating sooner rather than when we were married and with a two-year-old child.

I still couldn't think about what happened without falling apart.

When I start thinking of him and all the other happy moments we shared, it doesn't stop.

The baby swap✓Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ