The warning [6]

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 “You’ve w-what?”

Masami flung her arms frightfully back, latching her fingers roughly into the grooves of the large tree behind her for support. The abrupt contact formed white lines around her palms that sent a sharp stinging sensation jolting through her arms. The child grunted against the pain and heaved her body hastily upwards so she was now no longer kneeling. With a steady breath, her eyes gradually rose to meet the Uchiha who knew her name.

Amongst the drifting leaves he stood, leaning his weight on one foot with a firm hand placed on the side of his hip. Masami fluttered her misting eyes in confusion as the man raised two fingers and swept a flickering strand of hair away from his face before flashing her his front teeth in a devilish smile. Despite his creepy greeting, the man acted completely calm as if he had shaken Masami's hand a thousand times before and nothing was wrong. It was rather unnerving.

"I've been waiting..." He repeated coolly whilst letting the long fingers trailing across his forehead steadily drop. Masami's eyes followed his hand in uncertainty before shifting her body uncomfortably further against the tree in fear. She was hoping she had misheard him...

"Waiting for you to mature..." The man's raised a thin eyebrow as Masami's lips ripped downwards into an unpleasant scowl. It was like a rabbit trying to bare its teeth to a hungry wolf, looking far more adorable than fearsome. The man released a throaty laugh at the spectacle and shook his head. Even HE found it cute. "But... With that unfriendly look I'm not too sure now. You're still too young it seems, how very disappointing."

Masami leaned forward with a creased forehead, still hanging onto the tree for dear life.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Mr...  But I'm not allowed to talk to strangers."  She stated as politely as possible whilst moving both shoulders to straighten up. The lower of her back twitched however unable to adjust. Everything downwards had been paralysed with fear from the tension in the air. It was so thick it made the child's throat irregularly convulse wanted to puke. There was something incredibly dark about this man's 'chi' and it was so close to her it became dangerously suffocating.

She couldn’t breathe.

'Where is Onii-san and Nii-san? I don't want to play this game anymore, I'm scared! I just want to go home!' Masami began to panic, her mind suddenly clicking in realisation that this man could possibly hurt her. 

Flicking her head wildly around, the child took a fleeting glance for any pathways of escape. The rosy colour of her cheeks rapidly drained when all she could see was the belly of the tree she had once hid in. The monstrosity of a plant blocked her only way of slipping past the man, who would surely grab her before she even reached half way around it.

The girl was trapped and they both knew it.

'Just keep calm Masami! D-don't panic, his not going to hurt you- why would he hurt you?' Hushed her heart,

'Because his creepy!' Argued her head,

Masami inwardly groaned and slowly twisted her face back around to look at the older Uchiha. His head was now cocked to the side, eyes hungry for something she couldn't comprehend.

"Who said I was a stranger?" The man's voice was drenched in a patronizing laughter that made the child want to rip her hair out and scream. He wasn't listening to her!

"I said you're a stranger- I've never met you before and like I said I'm not allowed to talk to strangers, I'm going now!" Masami repeated in a strained voice, the feeling of someone pressing an invisible hand against her throat becoming stronger and tighter by the passing second. It took a little push, but slowly she twisted her torso around to walk away, only to have a hand reach out and stop her.

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