Bubbles~ [4]

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Sorry for taking so long to upload, life's been crappy at the moment but I'm trying to get through it and I wanted to edit some of the last chapters because they didn't read well. Anyway, I know this is short but it's better than nothing, please enjoy! thankyou ^.^


3 weeks later.

Itachi pinched the bridge of his nose with a low sigh, subconsciously letting his eyes roll into the back of his head in despair. Before him, Masami stood with a trembling bottom lip, her hands wrapped tightly around a pink blanket. In random patches it had turned a dark plum colour clearly showing the fabric was damp, it also dripped a clear liquid whenever Masami flicked it about. The toddler let out a frustrated cry as she stuffed the wet blanket into their mother’s pantry, clearly upset with something. Itachi blinked, now focusing on Masami’s legs. Her light blue pyjama bottoms were soaked through to the skin and the eldest brother could only think of one reason for it.

Masami had wet the bed...


"Onii-chan! Please help me hide this!” Masami looked up at him with swollen eyes, her head nervously twisting fom the bedroom door back to the soiled quilt again in anxiety. It was like the child was trying to hide a dead body or something. Itachi sighed when the pantry basket toppled over to the ground, no longer able to withstand all the chaos the young child was creating. Masami had begun kicking it when she realised it was too small to fit her blankets in.


Itachi sweat dropped. Like most people in this situation he found himself frozen to the spot not knowing how to react at someone shouting at an object. One side of him wanted to pity the child where as the other wanted to laugh inconsiderately at his sister’s weirdness. It was rather amusing.

“Masami-chan...” He sighed lowly; erasing those thoughts like the caring brother he was before grabbing the toddler’s hand softly. She dropped everything in response, eyes wide like she had just been touched by God. Masami slowly gazed up at Itachi in anxiety, both feet shifting from left to right. Itachi felt his eyes twitch at her impatience.

 She was just like Sasuke...

“We need to get you cleaned up first before anything else,” his dark eyes traced over Masami’s dripping wet legs again before averting to the empty bathroom next door. In a flash, Masami was suspended in mid air, arms length away from her brother like a rabid puppy. She grinned at Itachi as he carried her into the bathroom carefully before running the hot water for the bath.

“Yay! Bath time!” Masami wiggled herself free from his grip before sitting on the toilet seat obediently. Itachi waited patiently for the bath to fill whilst Masami began humming to nothing in particular. Once it was ready, Itachi rolled a sleeve up and placed his elbow into the steaming liquid to test its temperature like Mikoto used to do to Sasuke’s baths when he was little.

The translucent liquid felt silky and warm around his skin. It was Perfect.

“It’s ready...”

Masami suddenly fell quiet, causing Itachi to look back at her strangely. The child’s head was bowed down in regret, her mood completely changed again from earlier.

“Onii-chan... please don’t mention that I wet the bed to Oto-san and Oka-san,” Masami’s throat closed in embarrassment as she slowly stood up from the toilet seat and stripped off her soggy bottoms and top. She didn’t like the feel of damp clothing itching against her bare skin, it felt like a rash. “Oto-san wasn’t very happy when he found out last time...”

She stood there twiddling at her fingers dejectedly, letting the steam conceal her humiliation and exposed frame from wandering eyes. Itachi removed his elbow from the water with a little nod in understanding, motioning for Masami to get into the bath without another word. The two siblings were too innocent to care if one was naked or not, they were family so it didn’t really enter one’s mind of being strange.

“Don’t worry I’ll clean the sheets before they get home” He promised. Masami smiled happily getting ready to enter the bath, her hair pushed back so the steam could cleanse her face. With one foot, she slowly poked it into the water to test the temperature of it for herself. Itachi watched impassively with nothing else to do, remembering Masami wasn't allowed to be bathed unsupervised encase she ended up drowning herself.

Something he was sure the young baka was capable of.

“AH! HOT!” Masami sprang her toes into the air in pain like a shot rabbit, unleashing a giant wave of water across the bathroom floor. Itachi, unfortunately sitting on the rim of the tub got soaked in the process. He wiped his face slowly with one hand showing an un-amused expression towards Masami, who frightfully hopped into the bath again without a second thought a moment later.

She sighed in content whereas Itachi merely frowned at the range of puddles now surrounding his feet.

“Onii-chan, could you wash my hair please?” She beamed, holding out a pink bottle towards her brother. Itachi looked at the shampoo sceptically already disliking the colour of it.

“Your hair isn’t dirty, Masami-chan, it’s just your legs...”He sighed, popping a random bubble in the bath’s water. Masami gave a very un-lady like snort in response.

“So?” She grinned cheekily. “I love it when people wash my hair, especially Oka-san! Pwease?”

Itachi rolled his eyes grudgingly taking the bottle. He sighed letting the cool liquid slide in-between his fingers before soaking it into Masami’s head. She giggled happily as foam began bubbling everywhere, giving off the distinctive smell of lavender and berries.

“Onii-chan, can I come with you to pick up Nii-chan from school later?” Masami stared at her brother inquisitively as he began making shapes in her hair using the bath’s soap. His face was peaceful and even a small smile was gracing his usually solemn lips. Masami blinked before grinning in surprise, ever since her brother had become an ANBU he would rarely smile most days, it was a nice change for once.

“Yes Masami-chan” He agreed monotonously.

“Can we play hide and seek together after?”

“Hnn maybe...” He rinsed her hair with some of the water still left in the bath. This time Masami flushed a brilliant red before asking a very serious question.

“Do you think Shisui and I will get married when we're older?”

At that moment Itachi seemed to choke on his own spit.


“Definitely not.”

My Brothers Love Me More Than They Should [Uchiha fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now