Hiding... [5]

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Sorry again for taking so long T.T but thankyou for still reading and fanning! you're all awsome!!! :D <3


Masami let her hand trail gently along her brother’s arm as she quickly pulled him through the busy streets of Konoha, smiling widely as the Academy gates slowly came into view.  They towered above her tiny form like doors to a new World, open wide in welcoming. The toddler sighed softly, envious of her brother being old enough to attend such a place as she passed through the entrance excitedly with Itachi.

Alot of parents had already arrived early to pick up their children, so Itachi pulled Masami towards a blooming Sakura tree where they waited patiently in the empty shadows, seeing as Masami had a tendency to burn if she stayed out in the sun too long. She sighed again, touching the orange mask around her neck tediously.

Waiting was boring...

It wasn’t the most comfortable position either whilst standing up and waiting for the young Uchiha, but the tired child continued to stand tall amongst the crowd of wittering mothers in hope of catching Sasuke as soon as he came out. Her toes were sat neatly upon itachi’s feet for height, his arms snaked loosely around her waist like a safety rope trying to keep the young child stable. When the bell rang, Masami felt her head perk up sharply like an alarm had just gone off in her head.

End of school, end of school!!

“I can’t see him! I can’t see him! Where is he Onii-chan?” Itachi let out a husky chuckle feeling his sister start to wriggle frantically within his grip, seeing the first few heads of children suddenly begin to filter out through the front doors of the academy. Itachi pointed into the depths of the crowd and the toddler’s brilliant obsidian eyes latched onto the raven haired boy instantly, his distinctive facial features standing out most amongst the mist of students. High cheekbones, bottomless ebony eyes, and flawless porcelain skin, Sasuke definitely had the proud characteristics of an Uchiha.

“Nii-chan!” Masami withdrew her body from Itachi’s gentle grip, her feet falling quickly against the soft earth as she ran in his direction. Being light on her toes, Masami managed to weave pass the other children angelically, her chin raised high towards the dusty blue lit sky liking the feel of sunlight tickling against her pale cheeks. Sasuke lifted his head to the sound of his sister’s resonating voice, a wide smile gracing his lips at the sight of Masami bounding gleefully towards him. He remained still with both hands remained coolly sat inside of his pockets, patiently waiting for an embrace. But it never came.  His composed features slowly twisted into confusion before screwing angrily at the sight before him as he soon realised why.

His sister’s face had collided with another person’s chest, her ink black hair falling roughly before her closed eyes from the sudden impact. Masami let out a shallow gasp of breath, feeling it being forced out from the pit of her lungs in shock. An orange blur had enveloped her within its arms, stabling the toddler’s legs from involuntarily collapsing to the floor.

“Are you ok?”

Masami stood unresponsively for a moment in the stranger’s embrace still trying to find her footing, a panicky voice reaching her ears like a thunderous drum once again.

My Brothers Love Me More Than They Should [Uchiha fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now