Chapter 55

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After Oliver's phone call I almost flew over to the hospital. When I entered the right room I found Sophia laying on the bed with Oliver and her mother at her side.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I quickly ran over to her side, a tear escaping my eye as I got a closer look at her. The side of her face was completely bruised up, a big bandage on the right side of her forehead. My eyes darted to the cast around her wrist and I didn't even want to think about what other injuries she had hidden under the hospital blanket.

"I'm alright", she gave me a sad smile before turning to her mother who quickly responded "I'll give you guys a minute, I'll go get some coffee"

"I'll join you", Oliver spoke and she gave him a nod before the both of them left the hospital room.

"What the hell happened?" I asked after softly sitting myself down on the side of her bed, careful not to hurt her. I had just been a few hours yet somehow this happened.

She inhaled deeply before her eyes went away from mine.

"When the last game ended I quickly went home to get some new clothes before going to Sarah's place", she started and I saw from her expression she was still shaken from what had happened, she still looked so scared.

"Mom's staying with my aunt so nobody was home and just when I finished packing my stuff, the power suddenly cut out", I quickly took her hand in mine and she looked up, her eyes filled with tears.

"I just ignored it and got downstairs but someone pushed me down the stairs", my eyes slightly widened as I registered what she just said. It couldn't be who I think it is... He wouldn't go that far.

"When I tried to get back up, he punched me again and again until I stayed down", she softly started sobbing and I felt so bad she had to go through that "I was so scared"

Her voice cracked and I carefully pulled her to me, my arms going around her cautious not to hurt her.

"I'm so sorry Sophia", my hand softly went up and down her back as her hands tightly gripped my shirt. How could anyone to that to her?

After a few minutes she had slightly calmed down and I pulled back, her teary eyes meeting mine "Do you have any idea who it was?"

She shook her head softly before answering "No, I never got to see his face. But..."

She stopped herself and I gave her hand a soft squeeze, feeling bad I was pushing her to talk about it all. I had to know though, I really needed to know if my suspicions were right or not.

"But?" I asked softly and her next words made me feel sick to the core "I just heard him talk, he kept saying it was all the fault of his little rose"

This is not real... I knew he could go far but I didn't think he'd go this far. He could hurt me all he wants but never, fucking never touch the people I care about.

I felt my expression harden and felt slightly relieved as Oliver and her mother stepped back into the room.

"I have to go for now but I'll visit soon okay?" I tried to make my voice sound soft but I was beyond pissed. I was never an aggressive person but I've never felt like wrecking everything around me as much as I did right now.

"Thanks for coming over sweetheart, be careful", her mothers smiled at me and I quickly pushed a smile of my own.

I started walking towards the door, my fists tightly clutched at my side before I heard Oliver clear his throat "I'll walk you out"

We both stepped out of the room and I angrily turned to him "He went too far this time"

"I know, believe me I do but we have to think about this. We have to approach this carefully", he tried to calm me down but it was too late for that. He had done it, he had pushed me too far.

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