Chapter 27

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The sound of the doorbell made me look up from my position on the couch. After dinner, Matthew went out and I told Sarah I'd be fine. I went home and called my mother, shortly telling her about how dad came to school. She was absolutely furious and told me she was gonna come home right away but that could still take a couple of hours.

I stood up and made my way over to the door, opening it to reveal Adam.

"Hey", he said, a cautious look on his face.

"Come in", I stepped aside and let him in, closing the door behind him. You could just feel the tension coming of off him.

"You want something to drink? I was gonna make some tea", I asked when he sat down at the dinning table. He gave me a nod and I shortly disappeared to the kitchen to put the water on.

When I stepped back in the living room he looked up, obviously stressed. I just wasn't sure if it was because of the breakup or because he had to talk about it.

"You wanted to talk", he said, looking guilty back in his lap. He just looked like a little kid being punished.

"Can you stop doing that. I'm not mad I just want to know why", I told him before taking a seat in front of him.

"What do you want to know?" he asked softly.

"Did you break up because of what I told you"

"Yes and no"

"Can you be a little more specific", I told him as I felt him avoid my question.

"It's just not easy to talk about" he looked sad. If breaking up with her made him sad, then why did he do it?

"You know you can tell me, right?"

"Yeah, I'm kind of having a hard time with that", he whispered lowly and my head turned when I heard the kettle go off.

"I'll be right back", I stood again and walked to the kitchen. What's up with men and having a hard time voicing their feelings?

I poured the hot water in two mugs and dropped teabags in them. Can't go wrong with chamomile tea, right?

"Hey Ella, what's this?" I heard Adam say. Carefully picking up the mugs, I walked back and placed them on the table.

"What?" I asked and saw him with my phone in his hand.

"You've got three chances to win this, better make them count. You already have a first one?" he read from my phone before looking up with confused brows "What kind of freaky shit are you into?"

I narrowed my eyes at him and slowly walked over, taking the phone he handed to me.

- You've got three chances to win this, better make them count. You already have a first one?– unknown

-I'm still debating

I looked at Adam curiously and typed the reply before quickly focussing my eyes back on Adam. He didn't move, looking confused as fuck and I was actually really relieved when I felt the phone in my hand vibrate. It isn't him.

-Don't take too long– unknown

I read the reply and looked up once again at Adam who just sat there, no phone in his hands.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it", I dismissed and placed my phone back on the table.

"What was the dream you were talking about Adam?" I changed the subject back and I felt him grow slightly nervous again.

He took the tea, taking a sip before he finally answered "I got a scholarship and I really want to go".

"So what's the problem then?"

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