Chapter 14

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"We can just go after school this Friday, it'll be super fun", Sophia tried again while I just shook my head, my eyes not looking up from my phone.

It's Monday, in my opinion worst day of the week. Particularly this one...

I've gotten detention because I was too late this morning, then I did really bad on the test I had studied for the whole weekend and lastly Sophia has been nagging nonstop to join her to the hairdresser to go get haircuts. I hate haircuts. My hair is like my safety blanket.

-Can you just borrow me your notes this once? I suck at math- unknown

Oh and this...

-No, just take your own next time-

-Please Clark? I'm desperate... - unknown

-Still no –

-I'll give you a free dare or whatever you want, help me out this once – unknown


-You know what, if you manage to get them without me noticing, you can keep em –

-Game on – unknown

Good luck with that. No chance I'm leaving my bag alone today.

"Please?" Sophia begged again.

"No", I told her for the hundredth time. She averted her eyes to Sarah, putting on her well mastered innocent pout. "Sarah?" annoyingly

"No can do Sophia. My parents want to have dinner together this Friday and I'm not wasting money on a haircut I don't need"

"Fine. Just me and Rachel then", she muttered and dramatically walked away, leaving us in the busy hallway.

"Don't worry she'll be back in like 20 minutes", Sarah laughed and I felt my phone go off yet again.

-Remember, your little friends can't help out. Definitely not Sarah- unknown

I chuckled at that and that made Sarah immediately stand next to me and read the text as well.

"What the fuck does he mean by that?", Sarah grabbed the phone and started texting, me reading it next to her.

-And why's that?-

-Oh hello Sarah - unknown

We both started looking around us but of course saw non of the boys, yet I could feel the uneasiness of someone watching us. Sneaky bastard.

-Where you at huh? Why am not allowed to help? –

She started typing, a scowl on her face. Damn, this person knows how to piss her off.

-Because you're noisy – unknown

He's really pushing it...

-You come and tell that to my face, I dare yah –

-Well good thing I'm not playing with you, isn't it ;) – unknown

"For fucks sake", she muttered and furiously started typing again. I shook my head and looked up from the phone, spotting Liam standing a few steps away looking at me.

"Hey Ella", he finally came my way, a smile on his face.

"Hey Liam, how are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm doing great, just wan-"

"Yeah, now he's being a little bitch", Sarah talked to herself and looked up, finally noticing Liam standing with us.

"Uhm, I'll just go stand over there", she said awkwardly and left us alone. I chuckled watching her walk away before turning my focus back to Liam. "So, you were saying?"

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