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"You don't look very excited."

Liv glanced at her through the mirror, while putting on her earrings. Layla was sitting on the edge of her friend's enormous bed, staring at the floor like she was expecting something to emerge from beneath it.

"It is just a party. And it is not like I am looking forward to spending the entire night watching Lucas and Sofia make out," she responded and stood, feeling nervous already.

Sofia was throwing a graduation party to celebrate the end of their academic years and the start of their new life. These past few months, Layla had re-established her relationships with all of her friends. Liv suddenly reappeared a few days after Alex's rejection, acting like nothing had happened and not wanting to talk about it. Layla respected her wish. After all, everybody has their own way of dealing with pain, and she understood that. Unfortunately, being so close with Alex now had led to the reappearance of Lucas in her life, since the two of them were good friends. She tried to avoid him, but sometimes that was just simply impossible. She gave up the effort and, instead, every time the happy couple expressed their affection for each other publicly, she focused on Alex. As if he knew, he would give her one of his amazing smiles, making the world a safe place again. Eventually, she started coming in terms with the whole situation.

But an entire night at Sofia's with all of them drunk didn't sit well with her. She really had a bad feeling about tonight and wished she could avoid the damn thing altogether. But Alex insisted they should go.

"Our life after university begins tonight!" squeaked Liv as she grabbed both of Layla's arms, spinning her around to the rhythm of imaginary music. "And, I thought you were over that douchebag!"

"I am, I am!" said Layla, a little embarrassed. "It's just...awkward, that's all."

"I know what you mean." Liv snatched her purse and took Layla's hand in hers, leading her down the stairs. "It is how I would feel if something happened between you and Alex." She released her hand to open the door, and out she was.

Layla halted, dumbfounded. Her feelings for Alex were progressing rapidly. Liv was already involved with someone else, so it shouldn't matter. To place such a demand on her didn't seem fair.

"What do you mean?" She glared at Liv, who was expecting her to come out of the house. "You are with Chris now, what do you care? And you barely had a crush on Alex anyway!"

Liv motioned to her to get out, locked the door, and started moving in a hurry.

"A crush? No, I loved him, I loved him deeply! And you are my friend, you can't be involved with one of my ex's!"

Layla's facial color changed to an angry red. Typical Liv! Every crush she ever had was ''the love of her life'', only for it to be replaced by another ''love of her life'' a few months later. But to call Alex her ex went too far.

"Alex is not your ex," she stated, trying to sound as calm as possible. "You weren't even close before the three of us started hanging out together."

Liv stopped abruptly and turned to her. "What is this about? Is something going on between the two of you?"

"No, but-"

"Oh, come on Layla!" -Liv rolled her eyes and resumed walking- "why the heck are we talking about it then? Hurry up now, we have a party to go to!"

Layla glared at her but chose to drop the matter. Liv was right. No point in arguing over a what if. She could only hope that Alex would ever share the same feelings. But something in her gut told her she was far from being over with unpleasant surprises tonight.

The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now