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 "You are putting everybody's life inside the castle in danger!" One could almost see smoke coming out of Xander's nostrils. He was pacing up and down the throne room with such fury that if the floor wasn't made of marble, he would have created a trench. Lucius'  stubbornness was unbelievable. Despite all Livia's actions, suspicious at the very least, he remained unwilling to imprison her. Even if he was the king, he hesitated to confront the nobles residing inside the keep and to whom Livia was a favorite.

"She has broken no laws. I can't just imprison her for acting foolishly because of her infatuation with you. I can't imprison her for being jealous!" Lucius was also fuming, probably because he knew Xander was right.

"She practices magic! With your permission!"

King Lucius was taken aback. "She was afraid for her life. I couldn't refuse."

"She used that magic to let a prisoner out of the castle!"

"Layla was no longer considered a prisoner because of your commands!"

"She killed Lila! I know she did!"

"Then bring me solid proof!" The king's roar echoed throughout the chamber, his eyes ready to bulge out of their sockets.

Xander stopped in his tracks, turning over to the king, his gaze almost piercing a hole in Lucius' head. This conversation, going on for the last hour, was pointless. This coward of a king, wouldn't dare to bring Livia to justice without proof beyond the shadow of a doubt. What was worse, Xander knew that if any poor fellow of the common people was at her place, they would have already thrown them to the dungeons.

It was ironic. Xander had chased after the commander's position in order to be powerful enough to change these exact injustices. A mission he abandoned after Lila's death, becoming himself what he hated, cruel and indifferent. And now, his betrayal to his own cause rendered him unable to punish the person responsible for that betrayal. The person most likely responsible for killing Lila and all his dreams along with her.

And she was roaming the castle free. With knowledge of its secret passages. With knowledge of magic. With the king's permission. Meanwhile, Layla had vanished.

He chuckled bitterly. To hell with it! He had a second chance and he was not willing to waste it.

"As you wish, my king," he said in a calm and stern voice. Lucius eyed him suspiciously.

"You agree to let this rest then?" The king exchanged a wondering look with Christoph who kept silent for the past few minutes after he quit his vain effort to offer a solution that would satisfy both sides.

"Not only that-" said Xander as he started removing the commander's badge from his arm. Lucius, alarmed, stood up from his throne, exchanging panicked glances with Christoph.


"-But I am also transferring my duties to my second in command." Xander placed the badge upon the arm of a bewildered Christoph. "For as long as I will be gone." 

He gazed at Lucius. "And I will be gone until I find her. Until I find Layla."

Christoph grabbed him by the shoulder. "My friend-"

"No, Christoph," said Xander, putting his palm upon his friend's hand resting on his shoulder. "Don't try to change my mind. I have to do this. I need to do this."

"We can do it together!" Christoph tried to sound encouraging. But the slight tremble in his voice betrayed his fear. "We will organize search parties-"

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