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After moving around in circles a few times, Layla finally managed to track the olive tree near the red roses. With that as her departure point, she counted steps towards the two out of the four points of the horizon, according to Livia's instructions. She hadn't gone far when she heard someone talking.

"No, no, no, sweet girl!"

It was a high-pitched voice, that sounded like a little girl's. But no way there was a little girl in there somewhere.

Here we go... Livia had warned her about this.

She roamed her eyes around to trace the source of the voice. No one on sight, but then again, the source in there could be literally anything. She decided to move on but the person spoke again.

"No, no, no! Do not go more!"

Someone or something was trying to warn her against going any further, that much was obvious. Livia told her not to believe anything but the truth was, she did have the curiosity to hear the other side."Who's there? Where are you?"

To her utter surprise and fascination, a small bird, with wings the most enchanting shades of turquoise blue and green, appeared in front of her, its tiny eyes sparkling with an unfamiliar intelligence. "Do not go more nice lady! No, no, no!"

It was so adorable, Layla couldn't resist. She opened her palm to invite the little one to step on it. She was thrilled that the bird accepted the invitation.

"Why little bird?" She couldn't believe the words coming out of her own mouth. "Why shouldn't I go any further?"

The turquoise beauty turned its tiny head towards Layla. "Danger! The nice lady will go! The nice lady will not return!"

Layla sighed in relief. That was her purpose. To leave and never return. Probably the bird was Margaret's minion! She placed a tender kiss on its head.

"It's okay, little bird. This is what I want."

It tweeted sadly and flew away. Layla resumed walking, counting steps, searching for snake carvings, a heaviness in her chest. She lied to the bird, she was lying to herself. It wasn't what she wanted. The only thing she wanted from the minute she was electrocuted by desire on that bike, was Alex. Here, in the middle of a magical forest, alone and in danger of getting lost or worse, she could finally admit it. Nothing else in the world meant that much to her. Not her universe. Not her friends. Not her parents. She only wanted the undying love she was convinced only he could give her. She would do the right thing, that much was certain. But she was sacrificing her own happiness to do it.

A sudden overwhelming regret blossomed in her heart. Why was she doing this? How many people are given a second chance in love by fate? Who was she to turn down such a gift? To deny a love, not even death himself could conquer? So willing to abide by the laws of men, and yet so eager to defy the laws of the heavens?

She stopped in her tracks, looking around desperately for help, for an answer. "Little bird?" She yelled. "Little bird are you here? I need your help!"

Met with nothing but silence, Layla dropped her head, completely torn, unable to decide. What was the right thing to do was lost to her. Suddenly, she remembered her late grandmother's letter. The only thing she had from her, since the woman died when Layla was an infant. She remembered the thick envelope, the calligraphic title on its back.

"To my Layla. From your grandmother, Lulu."

The letter was her legacy to her granddaughter. A lifetime's knowledge she didn't have the opportunity to share, stricken by a deadly illness. No education of any sort but still, she had some great advice to give.

The One That Got AwayWhere stories live. Discover now