7 - Past At The Doorstep.

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After our weekend together, Luke and I were hooked. We face-timed all the time. It was the first thing we did in the morning and the last thing we did before going to bed. Everything was still the same, yet there was this new enthusiasm, new energy between both of us. It was like we had a whole new world of things to talk about.

The day after he went back, he came clean to Veronica. He told her everything. She was upset but still took it way better than we expected her to. I called her after he had 'the' conversation with her, and she wasn't upset with me, but I still apologized. Even if it wasn't my fault, I was still the root cause of it. 

It was Friday, five days after he went back. I got home from work and took a hot shower. I grabbed my pyjama bottoms when my phone went off. When I saw it was Luke calling me, a bulb went off in my head. I threw my pyjama bottoms away and plopped on the bed naked.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey, wassup, hot stuff?" he asked me flirtatiously.

"Nothing is up...yet," I said with a wink.

"Jeez!" he said. I could see the blush crawling up his neck. "Where's your shirt?" he asked, narrowing his eyes. He was clearly accusing me of something. I didn't say anything, but couldn't stop myself from grinning. "You are naked, aren't you?" he asked.

"Yup," I said, popping my 'p.' He sighed and chuckled. I bit my lower lip seductively to tease him.

"I never took you to be so slutty," he teased me.

"Oh, you have no idea. You've seen nothing yet." 

"But I hope I can see it soon."

"Sure, you can, but not before I have my way with you."

"Uggghhh!" he said and face-palmed himself.

"Me having my way with you doesn't mean me fucking you. It means you doing everything I tell you to."

"Oh... Okay, then. If that's the case, you can have your way," he said, rolling his eyes. I gave him a wicked victorious grin. Only if he knew what I'd do to him if I had it my way.

"Anyway, I called to tell you that I signed the papers today," he said.



"So, a free man now, huh?"

"What, no..." he trailed off. "Danny, I'm not a free man. I'm with you, aren't I?"

"Luke... I need more time to figure that out. Time with you."

"I know, I know. But...I'm sorry, I can't come this weekend. I have to move out. Veronica got the house," he said.

"It's alright," I said. "Luke, it's hard, you know. Separating my feelings for you as a friend and my feelings for you as something more. I don't know how to do it. If only there was a book or a class or a Youtube tutorial for the situation we are in. I guess only time can tell. "

"I would have asked you to come, but I don't have the place ready yet."

"It's alright. I would not have been able to come anyways. There's a health inspection at the casino tomorrow. I told you about that, didn't I?" I asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, you did," he said. He was upset that we couldn't meet that weekend.

"Hey, hey, hey, no need to brood over it."


"Stop apologizing," I said, and he gave me a half-hearted smile. "I have something that might cheer you up." 

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