CHAPTER 7: Woe Is Me

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CHAPTER 7: Woe Is Me

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CHAPTER 7: Woe Is Me


The modestly cosy room was lying in utter shambles as if it was hit by a violent tornado. In reality, it was hit by youthful temper and frustration.

So yeah, basically the same thing.

The cramped space seemed tighter with random things spread all over every available surface making movement more restricted but such a trifling detail did not affect the heightened angst present within the room, especially when it was the cause of this disarray. The room belonged to a young woman as displayed by every detail within it.

"Where is it?" Ella mumbled to herself as she looked through all the drawers of her study table. She wasn't being patient and it was obvious in her jerky movements and hasty mannerism. Her face was set in a frown as she pushed her dark hair away when they fell in front of her olive-brown eyes, distracting her from the 'search' she was occupied with.

Her grey bag was sitting on a side, empty as the day it was bought. All its contents were made to spill across the carpet, her books were in a messy heap with her wallet sitting on top, a few pens had fallen over each other, a pack of gum sat idly and her chapstick tube had rolled away to seek safety from a corner.

The sun was sinking outside the window turning the sky a mellow shade of tangerine as it slowly took the daylight away but Ella was not aware of anything but the turmoil she had effectively trapped herself in. Clothes of all shapes, styles and colours lay on the small bed forming a tiny mesa which hid a laptop that sat underneath, forgotten... suffocating in the darkness blanketed by a variety of fashion.

The tiny closet that barely managed to hold all essentials was ripped open, most of its contents spilling out. Books, big and small were misplaced all over the floor in unsteady piles like balancing cairn rocks while the bookshelf was neglected and pitifully forlorn.

The mess of her room was a representation of her mind; it depicted her inner chaos in a physical, tangible space. No one could walk in without stepping on something or knocking something over.

Ella's roommate of one year, Nora managed only a few aghast and cautious steps through the labyrinth before coming to a standstill. "What the heck happened here?" She said, horrified at what she saw.

Nora's best friend Daniel followed her but didn't dare step in, he was a tall, intimidating guy with his swimmers' physique but even he didn't try to attempt an entry, his blue eyes went wide as he looked around and ran a hand through his unkempt dark hair. "Woah... did you guys get robbed? The robbers must be super disappointed if they thrashed your place this badly..." He made a poor attempt at his apparent humour which was completely ignored.

"Ella did this..." Nora said flatly. She was a short girl with long dark hair, brown eyes and a fierce personality, and right now she didn't look pleased.

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