CHAPTER 28: Confessions

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CHAPTER 28: Confessions

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CHAPTER 28: Confessions


After Neo drove away Ella stood there for a moment and thought how it really was a very sweet date.

Ella turned around and walked to her apartment on the first floor, her exhausted legs working without another thought carrying her close to her bed, but she froze in terror when she realised there was someone sitting on the stairs right in the way to her door.

"What the hell!"

"What- what's wrong?" A familiar male voice asked.

The lights were dim and she blamed them for her horrific imagination as she forced her eyes to focus, "Jay!" she scolded, "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

He smiled a sheepish smile under those dim lights as he looked up at her "Sorry? The resemblance to Boo is not intentional"

She rolled her eyes at his unsure apology and ignored his super-Mario Joke, "Why are you sitting here? I was about to trample all over you."

Jay scoffed as he rose to his full height towering over her, "I would have let myself inside if I had a key or a Nora, but sadly I have neither."

Ella looked at her phone to check the time. It was fifteen minutes past midnight. "She sleeps like the dead", she probably won't hear a stampede of a thousand elephants right outside her bedroom, but still manages to wake up on time every day, fishing the keys from her pocket she unlocked the door and let them inside.

"Sounds like a talent," he muttered as they entered and switched the lights on.

Ella walked into her room and screamed, "Aah! Goddamit, why is everyone doing this?!"

Jay was beside her instantly. Both of them stared at a passed out Nora in Ella's bed, she was tangled in sheets, sprawled, taking up all the space and her hair was a wild mess on the pillow. Jay pressed his fist to his mouth and tried to cover his snickering. He failed.

"She could have slept in her own bed," Ella said as she left her bag, phone and keys on the desk.

When Jay pulled out his phone camera and zoomed it on their friend's face. Ella instantly grabbed it, "What do you think you're doing?"

"Can't I take a picture of her drooling?" He asked, looking excited. "This is gold."

"Do you want to end up dead in a drainpipe?" Ella raised her eyebrow and he thought over it for a moment before stuffing his phone back inside his pocket.

He pouted. "I hope to perish in a little more dignified manner than that."

Turning the lights off they both left her room and went inside the kitchen. "Why are you here?" she asked as she reached for a bottle of water and uncapped it, "do you want to raid the fridge, didn't go grocery shopping again?" She took a sip of her water.

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