CHAPTER 25: Restoration

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CHAPTER 25: Restoration

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CHAPTER 25: Restoration


Monday was a busy day and Ella hated the tumultuous activeness with a passion after a weekend of stationary insignificance. 

Before her second lecture, she saw her project partner Neo among the crowd that was walking towards her, and Ella called his name.

"Hey Neo!"

He looked up at hearing his name, froze, made a complete U-turn and walked back the way he came, leaving Ella a little baffled. Either he didn't hear her or he was avoiding her and she could bet which one it was.

She couldn't attempt to go behind him or she would risk getting late for her next class, so she sighed and made her way towards her academic commitments. Neo somehow took a long route but was in class before her.

Ella was on time for her class and, Mr Allen asked her about the development of her writing project, she felt ashamed to admit that she hardly made any progress and so she ended up lying about it and then felt even more awful afterwards.

Zoey distracted her from her problems during fiction, but that class only lasted so long. Later that day when Ella was walking back towards the third class in her schedule which was communications again, she saw a familiar shadow of someone in a loose sweatshirt walking ahead of her.

"Neo!" She called.

He looked back at her but didn't wait for her to catch up. Instead, he picked up his pace.

Ella's eyes widened at seeing that but this time Ella was determined. she instantly pushed herself to catch up with him. "Neo wait!" She said after him, he didn't.

She eventually caught up to him and he frowned as he said a curt "Hey" and continued to walk ahead, with his hands buried in his pockets.

Ella fell in step with him, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Neo looked down at his feet as he said, "Nothing, I just prefer to be early to my classes than late."

"Is that the only reason?" She asked, and he shrugged before picking up his pace.

Ella made an effort to keep up but silence prevailed as no one spoke and the sound of footsteps echoing in the hallway was the only thing heard for a while.

When Neo refused to look at her for a whole three minutes, Ella decided to address what was making things awkward, "Alright, that's it! You've been acting weird because of what happened at the party and we need to talk about it."

Neo for the first time hesitated in taking a step forward, he stopped and so did she, as he breathed deeply, "And here I was hoping you've forgotten all about what happened that night."

"Is that why you're trying to avoid me?" She felt a little bit hurt as she said it.

He now looked up and met her gaze, almost surprising her, "I thought me being away from you would help not trigger any memories."

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