8| Concern

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Chapter 8: Concern (Leo's POV)

I'm stuck at the house alone with Claire. There was no way I would get out of this alive. "Now, you're stuck with me," she said, standing beside where I sat. I glared at her before standing up and going up to my room. "Wait, wait, wait!" I didn't stop. "Or I'll run out!" 

I halted, cursing under my breath while turning to her. "What?" I asked. 

"Please come back down here, I won't be annoying. Promise," she said. I begrudgingly went back downstairs and walked over to her. She had her pinky held out. 

"What is it?" I asked, feeling agitated. 

She rolled her eyes before grabbing my hand and locking her pinky with mine. "There we go, anyway. Can we do something? In the backyard maybe?" I stared at her. "Look, I will die of boredom. And you still have my phone, I'm not even allowed to talk to anyone except Aesha and my dad. Please?" She did that thing again. The stupid puppy-doe, baby eyes thing. 

"I have somewhere to be in about an hour. That's all the time you get," I huffed. 

"That's more than enough time to be with you. What can we do?" she asked. I stared at her blankly. "Mario kart?" Her nose scrunched up. 

"I really couldn't care less," I answered. 

"Yay, Mario kart it is," she said with no enthusiasm. We walked over to the couch and started playing. "Yes! I won! Woo-hoo!" she screamed, jumping up on the couch. 

I looked up at her, deciding not to tell her that I let her win. At least she'll stop being annoying now. 

I glanced at my phone. "I have to go," I said while turning the TV off. 

I noticed her frowning before she concealed it. "Flynn isn't back yet though," she said. 

"Can I trust you?" I asked. 

"What?" she asked. 

"To stay here by yourself. To stay safe?" She hesitated. "It's better than taking you where I'm going," I said. 

"Uh- I guess," she shrugged. 

"Lock all the doors, don't answer the door for anyone, Flynn and I know the code, we'll come in on our own. And try staying up in your room." She pouted. "Just try," I huffed. 

"Fine," she rolled her eyes. 

I headed to the front door with her following me. I opened it and stepped out, hesitating. 

Maybe she could just wait in my car. 

I'm feeling concerned. I never feel concern for anyone, yet I'm feeling it for her. "Lock it." 

"In your face?" she asked. 

"Just lock it." 

"Bye," she said before closing the door and locking it. 

I hesitated. I don't know why, but I hesitated. I ignored the doubt and climbed into my car, starting it and driving where I was supposed to. I got there within thirty minutes and climbed, locking the car behind me and going inside. Two buff bodyguards opened the doors and let me in. 

"I'm here for Ron," I said. 

The woman let me into his office where he sat, spinning a paperweight. "I was expecting you, have a seat," he offered. I sat down in front of him, waiting for him to tell me whatever business he had with my dad so I could get out of here. "Your father is sending you to his meetings now?" he croaked. 

How the fuck is this old hag still alive? 

"He's at work. What do you want from him?" 

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