19: Stop For Buses

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Okay, what can I say I just have a soft spot for TK and Carlos having a kid together. Also someone requested this on my instagram, so lucky them I love the idea. I might of jump right on this one, but it is kind of a darker one I guess. A child gets hurt, not Noah their son but a child. That's basically the only warning I can think of .

At Bus Stop
Carlos' point of view
At this point I'm just relieved if Noah has a good day at school, he has problems with being away from Ty and I. I know our jobs don't help that, but on our off days he just can't stand going to school. He cries normally when he has to go, and can't stay home with us. Well, I was home today and he was pretty upset he couldn't spend his day with me. So I promised him I would pick him up from the bus stop, and we would go get ice cream before we pick up TK. I would of picked him up from school, but I was busy with Floyd, my K-9 unit dog. I wanted to get in some extra training with him, then he had a vet appointment. Please don't assume I'm putting the dog ahead of my child, because that isn't the case.

I hate when he has to ride the bus, everyday there is a new report of someone not stopping for school buses. Just the ones I've been called to was too many in my opinion, thankfully most of them no one gets injured. The few where a child is injured is always tough, it's just so hard to witness. A child on a scene always makes it so much worse, usually that's what makes a bad day for TK and I. The only case I worked like that with a child involved, well it wasn't good. Noah was still little, and we were debating on if he was ready for pre-school. Well, this was kind of the deciding factor, and the reason he usually doesn't ride the bus.

Flash Back 2 years
"Alright, bud I have to head to work. So you're going to hangout with papa for a bit, then he'll take you to see grandma while he's at work." Ty said as he knelt in front of Noah, as he talked. Noah didn't pay too much attention, he was busy coloring a police car. He wants anything with cops on it, TK thinks it's because I'm his hero. I'm not saying I'm the favorite, although TK begs to differ with me on that topic. "Well, can daddy get a hug before he leaves?" He asked when he stood up, and Noah stood up quickly to hug his legs before TK picked him up. "I love you." He sighed as he held Noah close, before kissing the top of his head. "Love you, too." You could hear Noah mumble back, as he had his face buried in TK's neck.

"You'll be extra good for papa, right?" He asked, as he set Noah back down. Noah didn't really answer, he just nodded his head, before hugging TK again. "Alright, I have to go to work. I'll see you as soon as I'm done." Ty said, and Noah nodded before turning around and heading back to his coloring book. "And you." He said when he turned back towards me, as I stood at the kitchen table with my cup of coffee. "You be safe at work, and please keep an eye on him." He said, as he leaned into hug me. "Everything is going to be fine, it was just some dream. I'll be fine, and most importantly he'll be fine. Go to work, and focus on keeping yourself safe." I said, as I placed my coffee down and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I know, it just felt so real. I don't ever want to see him get hurt, not ever a little cut or bruise." He sighed as he still had his face against my chest. I just shook my head, when he said that. I mean that's kind of impossible, kids get minor injuries everyday. "Baby, he's a kid. He'll get cut from falling, as well as bruises. All we can do is be there to help him, when he does get hurt." I said, before kissing the top of his head. "I know, I'm being ridiculous. I just don't want to see Noah like that, I guess I got a little glimpse of what my dad deals with." He said, and truthful I don't think it ridiculous. "It's not ridiculous, it's because you're a good dad. You're supposed to be worried about him, when you have a off feeling about something."

"You know what might help me feel better?" He said, as he glanced up at me, and I still had my arms around his waist. I was thinking it might be something sweet, and cute. "Oh, and what might that be?" I asked as I smiled at him, before kissing the top of his head once again. "A cup of coffee, exactly how I like it." He said, with the biggest smile on his face. I couldn't help shaking my head, and rolling my eyes at that. "No, Ty you know you shouldn't have coffee when you're anxious. We both know it just makes it worse, so I think today is a day you can skip your morning coffee." I said, clearly thinking logically. He just pouts up at me, and I can't help the smile that forms when I look at him. "You can have a few sips of mine, if you absolutely need coffee. I don't think you need a full cup of coffee, not right now anyways."

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