Part 26

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It wasn't hard to find Benjamin's house. It seems everybody knows him.  Martin left him in front of a two storey house near the forest. The house was made of wood and it stood proud and strong away from other houses. Perhaps the owner prefer something more natural . 

Ben stood in front of his house as if waiting for someone. He is a tall man with dark hair like hers. His blue eyes are friendly. He must be in his late 40s but he looks young. Werewolves look younger than their age. 

None made a move. They were just staring at each other for a few seconds. Ben took steps forward not taking his eyes away from her. 

"Hi, I'm Samantha...Sam. Mr. Benjamin...sir?"

"I know, Conan call and told me you are arriving. Call me Ben."

"I'm sorry, It will only for a couple of days or less. I won't stay too long."

Sam thought the man in front her prefer living alone. His house is at the end of the place and his house looks lonely. Besides, she cannot stay too long and risk getting caught. She was so sure it won't take long before Lloyd find her. She just need a little time, a little space away from him but he was so annoying and hard headed. Maybe she need to stop running and tell him exactly what she wants. She'll make him understand she needed time away from him. She hope that will work. 

"I wouldn't mind. It's been a while since I had a companion." Ben said while shaking his head. Sam smile as he usher her inside the house and pick her bag. 

It was simple inside just like what it look outside. It was lacking of a feminine touch. There was a big painting of a water fall in the living room. The only color on the brown wall.  There was a big couch in front of a big  flat screen tv. There was a stair heading to the second floor where the rooms are. Something pinch on Sam's heart remembering how Ben lost his love ones and now living alone. Sam knows how it feel to be alone and she understand what the man beside her is going through. 

She was lead to one of the two rooms upstair. It has a big window and a door heading to a balcony. She open the door and the cool air enter the room messing her hair. She tucked her hair behind her ears and look outside. All she can see is trees.

Ben put her things beside the bed. He look at the direction of her vision. 

"I hope you won't mind it much that we're far from the town. We have neighbors nearby, we're not actually alone in the woods." Ben chuckle.

"It's fine. It's nice to stay away from noise sometimes." Sam says while she close the door. 

"I will leave you now so you can rest  a little before dinner. There's a bathroom two doors from this room. "

"Thank you"  

Ben simply smile and left her. Sam sat on the queen size bed and look around the room. There is small cabinet where she can put her clothes.  A small table beside the bed. Nothing more, the room was bare.  

A knock on the door woke her up. She was tired from the travel and she fell asleep. 

"Sam, dinner is ready. " The voice outside said.

"I'll be there in minute." Sam says while stretching her aching body. She decided to wash the dust off her body before going downstair. She did it faster than she usually does.She doesn't want Ben waiting for her too long.  She wore a simple light blue dress which is above her knee. One of Martha's old dress. Ben was sitting on his chair in front of the table waiting for her. He smile when he spotted her walking down the stairs. 

Sam pull the chair and sat facing Ben. A roasted chicken with sweet sauce,green salad and mash potato was on the table. The chicken and potato are still smoking. Sam caught the scent and her stomach protest in hunger. 

"I hope this is okay for you, I'll do  grocery tomorrow just tell me what you want."

"Are you kidding? This is more than enough. It smells good I bet it taste good too."

"Let's eat." Ben said smiling. 

They ate in silence. Both are enjoying the meal. Ben caught Sam nodding her approval of their food. He smile to himself. It's been a long time since he had companion in his house. It's been a long time since he had someone to eat dinner with him on his house. He is really enjoying his time with the young woman who look exactly like Sarah. They were splitting image, except the hair. Is it  possible that someone who aren't related could look the same?If only his daughter was alive. He sigh at that memory. 

" I really love ice cream." Sam says while enjoying her  dessert. Vanilla ice cream with nuts and chocolate syrup.

Ben chuckle, watching her dig on her ice cream, put it in her mouth and smile with satisfaction.

"How did you met Conan and Martha?"

Sam put her dessert down not sure how to tell him. Of course he has the right to know how they met and who is she. She's staying on his house. She doesn't have to tell everything but at least she shouldn't be a total stranger.

"I met them in the woods on my way to the Moon Shine Pack. I was alone and they offer to take me along. I was glad they did and I'm thankful for that. "

"Alone? You're not a Rogue are you? You don't smell like one."

Sam shook her head. " I was.......having a time alone. I needed to think and be on my own for a while. Just for a while."

Ben nodded. He didn't tell her that he knows why she was running away. He was reluctant accepting her when Conan says an Alpha was after her. He doesn't want any trouble especially from an Alpha. But Martha insisted and told him she look like Sarah. That tickled his curiosity and agreed to look after Sam for a while. His thought was cut when a knock was heard. They look at each other. His brow creased, he wasn't expecting anyone at this time. He stood and went to the door. Sarah stood and started cleaning the table. 

She heard Ben talking with someone. And then a woman came in holding a box on her hand. She laid it on the table. Ben was behind her. She was a little taller than Sam. Her blond hair was neatly tuck on a ban. Her big hazel eyes are looking straight at Sam. Sam doesn't like the smile she paste on her face. 

"Graciela this is Samantha, a friend. Sam this is Graciela, a member of this pack."

The woman's neck froze at the mention of her name before nodding at her. 

"I just thought to bring your favorite homemade apple pie." she said to Ben but her eyes are still on Sam.

"Thank you, but you shouldn't have done this."

"Ofcourse, I wanted to. Doing small things for you makes me happy." She said finally facing Ben.

He clenched his jaw not knowing how to react. Graciela was pursuing him before he found his mate and when she died she got more annoying. He told her he won't mate again but it seems all her senses left her.  He's not going to retort and shatter the woman's dignity in front of Sam.

"I think I should go now. Good evening Ben." She only glance at Sam and left. Ben sigh and put his hand on the air when she left. 

Sam clean the table and the dishes. She was happy doing that. She doesn't wanna be a  burden to anyone. When she was done she found Ben looking at a picture on the living room. She didn't notice the picture when she came. He must have hid it somewhere in the living room and decided to look at it.  Ben turn when he heard her approach.

" She was my everything. " Ben said while still looking at the picture. 

"I'm sorry for your lost." Ben smile bitterly and put the picture on a small table beside the couch.

"I lost everything and I miss her so much. The pain and loneliness isn't enough for me to find another mate. She will always be my only one. " 

"She's  a lucky woman. And I think she wanted you to find happiness ."

Ben shook his head and left Sam alone. Sam took the picture and look at the woman on it. She was smiling like life was so good. If only she was alive Ben would be very happy. Sam put the picture back and went to her room. 

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