Part 15

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The ride to the restaurant was silent. Sam was nervous and it escalate each minute she's with him alone on his car. She hold her cold trembling hands hard to fight it. She busy herself watching the view outside the close car window. She check the time on the car when they stop in front of  a dainty restaurant.  He lead the way inside, lightly holding her elbow. Sam noticed no one is inside but only the two of them.  A man on a black suit assisted them on  a balcony. In the middle there is a table with a candle light and beautiful red roses on it. Two chairs are on both side facing each other. The view was beautiful. There was a garden and a lake .The stars and the moon above them.  

He smile  and gently pull a chair for her.  It was an Italian menu. The best served Italian food in the country. She loved the pasta and the cheesy flatbreads. Tiramisu! Goddess she love how it melts on her mouth. He wipe his mouth and look at her. He has good taste.

" I hope you enjoy the meal."

"Are you kidding? It's the best Italian food I had." she said flashing a satisfied smile on him.

"Mind if I ask how old are you? he casually said though he know how old she is.

"You know it's my birthday but you didn't thought of knowing my age?"

"My bad. I'm not really  good on lying." he said and they both laugh.

"Now you're in the right age to find a mate, how does it feel?"

" I'm a bit nervous. You know forever and ever. " Lloyd nodded with her response.

"I love to get stock with you..forever." He whisper.

"What?" She ask. He gave her his sexiest smile.

"How about you, how did you feel when you found your mate?" 

It was too late when she realize she ask the wrong question. His mate died and he was left alone without a son to fill the Alpha position after him.  He clenched his jaw and his eyes glow. He is obviously angry at the mention of his mate but he control himself. She eye him warily. he close his eyes for a moment and when he open them again they were back to their natural color.  

The song playing on the background changed. He stood up next to her.

"Can I have this dance?"

With shaky cold hands she accepted his hand and dance with him. One of his hand holding her the other on her waist. He lean his head on her. They danced under the bright moonlight. They had two more dance before  they stop. Just standing there looking at each other, not knowing what to say. Just enjoying the moment. He still held her ,looking and then kissed her hand. Sam blushed. 

Fireworks began their display above the sky. They got a good view from it. Different patterns and different colors scatter in the sky. It was beautiful.  More beautiful because they were together holding each others hand like they don't wanna stop. 

Lloyd moved to face her. He hold her chin and slowly press his lips on her. First it was soft and slow. She kiss him back and a moan came out from her throat. It was his cue to deepen the kiss. They were kissing passionately under the moonlight, good music and fireworks in the background.

This is the best night she ever had. A night on Lloyd's arms.

Something beep. He was so engrossed of her lips and didn't recognize it. But then it hit him. It was his watch signaling it was midnight. He break the kiss and look at her pretty face. Searching...waiting..but nothing. He gritted his teeth. It hit him like he was thrown on a mountain hard. He move backward away from her. Confusion is all over her face. She doesn't understand why he was acting like that. She scream when he suddenly break the table and threw the chairs not minding where it will hit. He was breathing hard when he was over. Dark eyes looking at her. He run and left her standing on the balcony with all the things he broke. She was so shock with the sudden turn of events. She found the courage to run and follow him but it was too late. He was already on his car running away on a fast speed and left her. 

Sam was so shock, she didn't expect this to happen. She cover her lips walking back and forth from where she was.

"What was that? What am I going to do right now? How will I go back to the packhouse? Will  I go back to the packhouse after what happen?"Her head started aching.

How could he left without her? He was a real gentleman and all of a sudden he turn into a freaking asshole! What is wrong with him? 

Her fairy tale turn into a nightmare. 

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