Chapter 66 - Who's Mightier, Me or Your Dad? (2)

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Not only did XingXing feel that there was nothing wrong with green hair, he found that very pretty. He leaned over and pulled a purple coloring pencil out from the pile and started on the clothes.

Jiang MingYuan was already speechless by now. He felt that his sense of colors was quite normal. How was it that his son didn't get that from him?

Could that be a mutation caused by the drugs that was used on him?

As much as that speculation made no sense, Jiang MingYuan was starting to buy into it himself. He had cussed out all the culprits in his head and planned to look for someone who'd make their lives "better" in jail when he got back.

XingXing wasn't able to finish he drawing today as he was already getting tired.

By 9 PM, the little kiddo couldn't keep his eyes open anymore. He rubbed them a few times, yawned, and were visibly tired.

The little kiddo looked on too pitiful fighting to stay awake when he was visibly tired. There was a tenderness in Jiang MingYuan's heart and he wished he could take him back and put him in bed. Yet he couldn't, it wasn't his house that the child needed to go back to.

This kind of booth that was busy at night wasn't going to work. Jiang MingYuan reached out and patted XingXing a couple of times on his back.

He heard that the kid's mother had been looking for a storefront so she probably had some ideas in mind. As the child's father, he should contribution some as well. As he was thinking about it, he pulled out his cellphone and sent a message to his assistant.

Cheng Huan was particularly busy today. When the rush was over it was already 9:30 PM. She quickly handed the rest over to Xu Li, took off her apron, and went to look for her son.

XingXing had already fallen asleep leaning on the table. He was even drooling out of the corner of his mouth. Cheng Huan didn't wake him but just carried him onto the tricycle.

She had added a cover to the tricycle and it could block a bit of the wind. Cheng Huan placed XingXing inside of it, covered him up with a jacket, and started heading home.

A car started at the same time and followed slowly behind the tricycle from afar. Looking at that green tricycle, Jiang MingYuan's pretty brows furrowed.

"Old Zhang," he asked. "Do you know which is a good van?"

"Van?" Old Zhang couldn't think of a time when his boss would need a van. Most likely it has to do with the person that they were following right now. He thought about it for a bit and said, "I am not sure either but I have a nephew who runs a second hand car store. I can give him a call and ask him if you like."

"Okay, call..." Jiang MingYuan stopped himself. Leaning up against the back of the seat, he said, "Never mind."

They don't need a car just yet. He could buy one when they do. He really didn't need to worry about that just yet.

It'd be suspicious if he interfered too much.

"Let's head back," said Jiang MingYuan to the chauffeur after he watched the tricycle turned into a small district.

XingXing had woken up after they have arrived home. Perfect for Cheng Huan to bathe him. After she had finished bathing him, she was half soaked herself.

She dried XingXing and carried him to bed. She thought about it for a little bit and gave Xu Li a call, telling her that she wouldn't be back the rest of the night.

Xi Li understood that she was a single mother and told her that that was no problem and that she would be able to handle it on her own.

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Huan brought her change of clothes with her and went inside the bath as she thought about adjusting her pay to Xi Li this month.

XingXing slept for a little bit earlier and was not so sleepy anymore. He was still awake when Cheng Huan came out from the bathroom.

When the little kiddo saw his mother, he tossed away the doll in his hand, rolled a couple times to make room for Cheng Huan before he rolled back into her arms.

"Why didn't you tell me when you were tired today?" asked Cheng Huan as she turned the lights off, got inside the blanket, and pull the blanket over the child.

XingXing put his arms around hers, snuggled her, and said, "Because mommy was busy."

"Well, that's alright. You are what's most important. Next time you let me know immediately, okay?" 

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