19 - The Move (2)

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After she had eaten and did the dishes, XingXing had fallen asleep again. Cheng Huan put a wet towel inside the refrigerator before breakfast and now it was at the perfect temperature.

She pulled it up, folded it up, and put it over XingXing's eyes.

The towel was too cold and XingXing didn't like it. He tried to reach up and pull it off in his sleep.

Cheng Huan grabbed his hand and put them to one side. After the towel had warmed up, she took it off, rinsed, and wrung it again before she put it back inside the refrigerator.

XingXing slept so soundly that he didn't wake up even after Cheng Huan had placed the towel over him a few times. Cheng Huan finally started packing up.

Cheng Huan had already packed up everything that she could the day before. There wasn't much left to do today. There were only very limited items that they needed to take with them. With the exception of the kitchenware, the only things left were their clothes.

The sun was beating down today, and the blanket and straw mat that she hung onto the patio were already dried. Cheng Huan brought them back in, rolled the straw mat up, put it against a corner, folded the blanket, and put it inside a suitcase.

XingXing woke up when Cheng Huan was keeping herself busy. The little kiddo didn't see his mommy when he woke up. He was so anxious that he jumped off without his shoes on to look for her.

He finally relaxed when he saw the living Cheng Huan in the bedroom. He rubbed his eyes, called out to his mother, and turned around and pitter-patted back into the living room before Cheng Huan responded.

After he put his shoes back on, he went back inside the bedroom like a docile little kid.

He squatted to one side and watched Cheng Huan busying herself. He'd come and lend a hand from time to time. The jury was still out about the amount of "help" that he had provided.

There wasn't a lot of stuff, so it didn't take them long to finish packing up. Cheng Huan put all their bags and suitcases in the middle of the living room before she went and mixed a light glass of saline solution for the little kiddo.

XingXing had lost a lot of water content today and was very thirsty. It didn't take him long to finish the entire glass of water. Sitting on one of the filled knitted bags and the glass in hand, he asked the one who was still busy in the kitchen, "Mom, when are we leaving?"

"When our car gets here."

Cheng Huan called a moving company and they were supposed to be there at 1 PM. Their last meal there was going to be something simple. She had a couple of egg pancakes.

The moving company arrived slightly before 1 PM. XingXing was still chowing down on his pancake when the doorbell rang.

The little kiddo was quick to respond. He ran over to the door as soon as the doorbell rang.

Having been taught by Cheng Huan, he was very polite now. He said to the man outside, "Uncle, who are you looking for?"

The man outside thought the little kid was amusing as well and played along with him. "We are looking for the adults in this household."

"Please wait." Having completed the entire process taught to him by his mother, XingXing was quite proud of himself. Holding onto the door frame, he turned and was just about to call out to his mother when he saw that she was already there.

"Mom, this uncle is looking for you," said XingXing as he jogged over to her.

"Okay, mommy knows. Thank you, XingXing."

The little kiddo was a bit shy. Hiding behind Cheng Huan, he said softly, "You are welcome."

The employee sent by the moving company was very efficient. The worker, with a suitcase in one hand and the knitted bag in other, finished loading everything onto the truck in just a few trips.

Cheng Huan locked the door and went downstairs with XingXing. They would be going over to the new place in the moving company's car.

This was XingXing's first time inside a truck and everything was mesmerizing to him.

The two of them sat in the passenger seat and XingXing stretched his neck to look outside.

"Mom!" Returning to Cheng Huan's arms, he praised loudly, "This car is so awesome! It's THIS big! It's the BEST! More awesome than this car and that car!"

A car happened to drive up and parked on the side of the road where he was pointing. The front of the car faced their direction, and the emblem of the car glistened under the sun and radiated a heavy sense of money. 

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