Chapter 60 - Making Mooncakes (2)

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Cheng Huan put the meat stuffing into the refrigerated before she pulled over the moist layered of the wrap and wrapped it inside the dried layer.

The two types of wrap needed to be about the same stiffness. After she had mixed them up, she needed to roll them out with the rolling pin. Once it was sufficiently rolled, they'd need to be folded into three folds, and rolled again.

Rolling the dough was very physical. It hadn't been long before Cheng Huan started to get a little hot. She stopped to take a break. Noticing that XingXing had looked over at her, she said to him, "Baby, I am exhausted."

XingXing quickly leaped off the stool and ran over as he said eagerly, "Then Mommy you should get some rest."

"I don't need to rest," said Cheng Huan as she touched the tip of the little kiddo's nose with her flour-covered finger. "I just need you to give me a kiss."

XingXing, without any hesitation, nodded with his now white nose. "Lean down, Mommy. I can't reach you like that."

Cheng Huan leaned down as he had asked and stuck her head over to him. XingXing stood on his tip toes and gave her a kiss. The flour that was on his nose was transferred onto her cheek.

When the dough was turned into a large square, it was ready to be rolled up. When rolling, it needed to be tucked in tightly. Once it had formed a long roll, it'd need to be squeezed out into little balls the size of three fingers, pressed, and the stuffing added.

XingXing failed on slamming the meat and now the stuffing was already ruined. Now he wanted to try wrapping the mooncake. He was getting antsy on one side.

"Mommy, I can do that too."

"Okay, you try." Cheng Huan handed him one small ball of it and said to him, "Flatten it first, then add the stuffing."

"I remember!" XingXing was very confident about it, but when he gave it a try, he was dumbfounded. The dough seemed much more obedient in the hands of his mother but not so much when it came to him. He smacked it and smacked it, but it wouldn't flatten.

XingXing, dumbfounded, looked up at Cheng Huan. Cheng Huan was focused on wrapping the stuffing and hadn't noticed him.

Pouting, the little kiddo looked back at his own dough, flipped it over, and smacked it a few more times forcefully. So forceful that even the table rocked under his hand.

When he was finally able to flatten the dough, XingXing felt that he had accomplished a lot. He let out a sigh and looked over at the one next to him again.

Okay, mommy was still very busy.

Cheng Huan tried to hold back her laugh. She might have looked like she was very focused on what she was doing, but the truth was she was watching what he was doing attentively.

XingXing, not getting the praises that he had expected, was a little bit disappointed, but that bit of negative emotions was gone as quickly as it had happened. Seeing that Cheng Huan had completed another mooncake, he quickly grabbed the spoon and added some stuffing to his dough.

He had never done this before and had no idea how much to put. The little kiddo piled up some stuffing onto the dough and watching what Cheng Huan was doing and imitated her in trying to close up the dough around the stuffing.

He had added too much stuffing, and his hands were too small. As he was trying to close up the dough, the stuffing kept on falling out. XingXing was anxious and still wanted to push the stuffing back in after they had fallen out.

"Alright, alright. Let me." Cheng Huan finally had to intervene when XingXing was about to pick up the stuffing from the floor. She took the dough from XingXing's hand, pulled out some of the stuffing, and quickly closed it up.

She pressed the dough down a bit and showed it to XingXing. "Look, all done."

XingXing took the mooncake from her, looked it up and down, and liked it quite a bit.

He covered the mooncake up with both hands, tried to stop his own drooling, and asked, "Mom, can I eat this now?"

"No, not yet. The mooncake is still raw. They need to be baked first." Cheng Huan finished wrapping up the last one, pried the well-battered one out of XingXing's hands, and put it on the tray. 

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