365 Days • John B

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This is a long one but a good one I promise :)

Y/n's P.O.V

"Mom please it will only be for a year I promise!" I begged my mom over and over.

"Y/n I don't know" She ran her hands through her hair. "Come on, Dad said it was okay." I said almost getting on my knees. "Fine only for a year" She said, making me squeal with joy.


It felt like that day was yesterday.

But it wasn't.

It had been 11 months since I decided to come live with my dad in the Outer Banks. 11 months that had passed by way too fast for my liking.

"When are you going to tell him?" Kiara asked me as I swung my legs over the dock, letting the water brush them lightly.

"Never" I said with a small laugh trying to lighten the mood.

"He is going to be devastated." Kiara told me seriously. "Don't you think I know that. I didn't plan to fall in love, Kiara." I said annoyed covering my face with my hands.

"Have you told the other boys?" She asked.

"Nope" I said quietly. "I'll tell them tonight, I just can't tell John B. I don't know how." I added with a sigh. "Well the boys are coming over so perfect timing" She said looking behind me.

I turned around to see JJ and Pope making their way toward us.

"Hey guys!" JJ said cheerfully as he sat down next to me. "Can I-" I stuttered. Kiara turned to me, placing a hand over mine, comforting me. "What is it?" Pope asked, looking between the two of us.

"I'm moving back to my home town in less than a month." I said quietly.

"What?" JJ asked as his eyes widened. "I'm-" "No I heard you but why!" JJ said getting mad.

"My mom said I could only stay here for a year" I said slowly looking up. "Wait so you have known about this the whole time you were here?" Pope asked, surprised.

"Why would you do that to us? You...you can't leave!" JJ said standing up.

"You just got here! You can't leave me, you can't leave John B!" he said loudly.

Over the time I spent here, I've grown extremely attached to the boys and Kiara. It was hurting me just as much as it was hurting them. Kiara cleared her throat making me turn.

I looked to see John B with his jaw dropped.

Did he just hear this whole conversation? "JB..." I said slowly and he shook his head and ran off.

"Dammit" I yelled before running after him. It took me a while to finally catch up to him. "John B stop!" I said pulling his wrist to make him turn around.

"How could you do that to us? How could you do that to me? You let me get attached to you. I told you I loved you y/n. Did that mean anything to you?" he said, stressed out.

"Of course it did. It meant everything to me." I said moving closer to the boy.

"I don't want you to leave." he said slowly.

"I don't want to leave either" I said looking down. "Then stay. Stay here with me. I can take care of you. Hell you can even move in with me. I'm not going to lose you." he said grabbing my hands and linking them with him.

"It's not that easy." I added looking back up at him.

"It can be" he said cupping my face in his hands.

"You know I love you right?" I added with a small laugh trying to hide the sadness in my voice. "I love you more" he said leaning in, placing his lips on mine.

My last month in the Outer Banks passed by in a flash.

The group and I spent each day like it was the last. John B and I spent almost every second we could together. But that wasn't enough. The day came when I had to go back home.

My mom flew in a few days before to say hi to my dad and help me pack.

I waited, luggage by my side.

I soon saw three teens all running towards me. I was tackled in a hug by the three. "I'm going to miss you so so much!" Kiara said with tears in her eyes hugging me tightly.

"I'm going to miss you too Kie!" I said, trying not to cry.

"Don't forget us okay." Pope said wrapping his arms around me. "Oh how could I? Get that scholarship for me bud." I told the boy softly.

I turned to JJ.

This was going to be the second hardest goodbye. I grew attached to JJ. He was like the brother I never had. "Goodby-" I was cut off by JJ hugging me.

I couldn't hold it in and I felt the tears trickle down my face onto his shirt.

"JJ...thank you for everything." I said, wiping some tears that were now on his face.

"Come visit every chance you get okay. Don't forget to call and text me every single day. Once I get the chance I'm flying straight over to you okay, I swear I'll save up money, I'll-" "JJ, I love you too" I said with a small laugh hugging him once again.

"Where's John B?" I asked, pulling away.

They all looked down.

"Oh, It's okay, I'll be okay" I said, turning around as they all gave me one last hug before I started to walk away. I was about to hand the lady my ticket when I heard my name being yelled.

"Y/n!" I turned to see John B running full speed towards me. I swear it was like a scene out of a movie.

He eventually got to me pulling me into a hug lifting me off the ground and spinning me around.

"JB I'm gonna miss-" "No" he cut me off. Damn what was with people cutting me off today. "You're not leaving." he said seriously looking at my mom.

"Ma'am please let y/n stay. I know it might not be my place to ask but...I'm-I'm in love with your daughter. You can't take her away from us. She can have a great life here I promise you. We can take care of her." John B said, trying to convince my mom.

"Ok" my mom answered.

"Mom please I'll do- wait what" I said as my eyes widened. "I said okay. Y/n I've seen first hand that you are way happier here than you ever were back home. And being a mother, I want the best for my daughter so I'll let you stay" she said with a small smile.

"Mom you're the best!" I said pulling her into a hug which John B soon joined in on.

"Okay ma'am the flights about to start" The flight attendant told my mom.

"Bye sweetie. I'll come visit in a few weeks." she told me planting a kiss on my head before walking off. I turned around to be seen with the three running towards me again tackling me to the floor.

"We are never letting you leave again." Pope said laughing.

"Never ever." JJ said grinning. I laughed getting up quickly getting pulled by John B. He pulled me in kissing my lips roughly.

"I love you" he said out of breath. "I love you more" I told the boy as the five of us walked out of the airport happier than ever.

I hope you guys liked this one!!! I might now post ad much considering I'm trying to write for this book, the group chat book, and the outer banks book all at once but I'm trying. I love you guys so much! Thank you for the endless about of support you have shown me!  Don't forget to leave a vote and comment! Love you guys bye!🤍

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