No Good • JJ

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Prompt: "I'm no good for you, and you're no good for me" - JJ

Y/n's P.O.V
(play the song)


"I hate you!" I yelled back. "It's not my fault that you don't allow me to have friends" he fired. "Well if you didn't flirt with every girl you laid eyes on maybe I would be thoughtful" I spoke as tears threatened to spill down my face.

"Oh shut it! It's not like you don't do the same y/n!" he yelled. That was it. I felt the tears leak from my eyes.

His face immediately softened at the sight. "Y/n" he said softly. I wiped my tears quickly before looking up at him.

He pulled me into his chest rocking us slightly. I nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck.

JJ and I weren't perfect. We didn't work. We never did. One thing for sure though was that we loved each so much.

We couldn't live without the other. But whenever we were together is was argument after argument.

Of course after every fight we made up. But. Tonight. Tonight was different. The air in the room felt different. Even the way we comforted each other.

He held me like it was the last time.

We both knew it was. This was it. No words were said but we knew that we both didn't have the energy to continue what we had.

We felt it.

So that night, we loved each other like never before. He took me by the hand and showed me the love we both once knew. The love this relationship thrived off of.

Nothing could save us at this point and we both understood that and accepted it.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear. "I love you too JJ Maybank" I replied as we both pulled away from the hug and leant in.

His lips were soft. The kiss was filled with passion and a feeling I couldn't quite describe.

I woke up with my head against his chest. I slowly got up not wanting to wake the boy. I took a moment to admire him.

His long blonde hair slightly covering his face. His body tangled in the sheets. I let a single tear fall down my cheek as I walked out in only his t shirt and shorts you couldn't see.

"Hey y/n" Kiara said softly as the group slowly turned to me. They had witnessed everything that happened last night. "Hey" I muttered as I quickly left.

Once I got home I changed and tried to forget what was bound to happen.

I tried to keep myself busy as the hours passed by but my mind couldn't help but wander.

I found myself walking back to John B's around 9pm. It was already getting dark so I tried to quicken my steps.

As I walked inside I saw the group laughing as they ate. When they finally noticed me I gulped. I turned to JJ giving him a knowing look.

He nodded as he followed me outside to the front of the house.

"JJ" I whispered. "I know" he said letting out a loud sigh. "You know we don't have to.." I said quickly. "Y/n" he said looking up. I knew it was a lie as soon as the words left my mouth.

"I can't JJ" I said slowly. This was the first night in a while that we weren't yelling at each other.

"I'm no good for you, and you're no good for me" he said trying to scan my face for a reaction. I nodded knowing I wouldn't be able to get any words out without completely breaking down.

He pulled me into a hug. One last time. I hugged him tighter than ever. "I love you" he told me. "I love you too JJ Maybank" I said with watering eyes.

I pulled away and started to walk away. I gave one last look back to the see the boy looking down at the dirt.

And with that I left. I left him. I left the only boy I ever truly loved.

(maybe pt.2? no guarantee tho idk)

Well this was sad. I almost started crying lmao. Hope you guys enjoyed! Love you guys! I'm posting twice today again because I think we all need a happy imagine after this lmao. Vote/ Comment/ Give Feedback🤍

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