Options • Kiara

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Prompt 40 (requested) :
"Is this a game to you?" - Y/n

Y/n's P.O.V

It has been two weeks since I confessed my feelings to Kiara.

"I like you more than a friend" I said with a weak smile. "I like you too y/n, more than a friend"

But nothing has happened since then. Our friendship hasn't changed at all. I've been wanting to ask her about it but haven't built up the courage to do so.

"I'm starving" JJ said jokingly. "So am I" Kiara said as she walked over to him and began playing with his hair.

I felt my jaw clench as I looked at the two flirting. "Hey y/n let's go see if we can catch some fish to grill or something" John B told me as he grabbed me by my shirt pulling me up.

Once we got to the boat which was already parked a big distance from the group I yelled at him. "What the hell JB, we already have tons of fish" I told him as I sat on the edge of the boat.

"I know we need to talk y/n" I sighed nodding slowly.

"If you glare at Kie and JJ any harder your eyes will pop out of your head" he told me. "That obvious?" I asked covering my face in my hands.

"Why don't you just talk to her?" "Because she is like head over heels for JJ" I told him as I turned to see the group a pretty far distance away from us.

"She isn't" "Well it sure looks like it" I replied annoyed. "I'm sorry it's just this is driving me crazy" I told him as looked back up at him.

"Well go talk to her i'll drag the boys away" he said as we both got up and started to walking back to where the group was.

"Did you catch anything?" Pope asked smiling. "No uhm no" I said nervously as I took the seat where I was previously sat at.

"There was something stuck in the boat can you help me out, JJ, Pope?" he asked gesturing towards the waters.

"Yeah for sure man" JJ said as Pope stood up with him and followed John B to the boat.

I looked down and started fiddling with my fingers.

"So you and JJ huh?" I asked giving her a weak smile. "What are you talking about?" she said laughing lightly.

"Well it looks like you guys are dating" I told the girl as I tucked my hair behind my ear. "We aren't" she said harshly.

"Is this a game to you?" I asked her. "Huh?" she said giving me a confused look.

"I mean playing with my feelings, is it fun?" I said with a huff as I stood up starting to walk away.

"Wait y/n...can we talk about this?" she said trying to catch up. "What's there to talk about...you lied, it's cool" I told her turning around.

"I didn't lie" she said quietly. "Then what are you doing exactly..cause to me it looks like you have options to choose from" I told her finally snapping.

"Y/n, I like you...I do it's just I don't think I can do..." "Do what, Kiara? Be in a relationship with me?" "No y/n...i"

"Well I'm not going to be waiting for you Kiara" I told her with a sigh. She looked down quickly. "I think the groups waiting up for us...I'm gonna go" I told her as I started to run back to the group.

I heard her calls after me but I didn't turn around.

We love some drama every once in a while lol. Love you guys! Okay today I'm posting twice!😌 I'm thinking of starting a groupchat and instagram posts book but I don't know I kinda like having everything here lol lmk what you think:)

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