Final Chapter

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Yippie! I'm publishing the final chapter just before turning 19 ( 27th August).

It feels good to know that I finished my first novella at 18. It's like a lifelong experience for me. 😊Writing happened accidentally to me and I'm glad it did!

Thanks to everyone who kept patience by reading and voting chapter by chapter. ❤

Augustus was numb.

' Maybe he's speaking the truth. Maybe he should die. '

Negative thoughts fogged his rational thinking while a tear spilled out of his eyes. It was Cassius who was handcuffed but it felt as if it was his soul and mind which was grappled with guilt.

Aurelius had his jaws clenched and he knew very well that what that old man was trying to do. He was manipulating Augutsus. Therefore, he shook his shoulder with force and for the first time, addressed him with his name, " Augutstus! Remember, a calm sea doesn't make a skilled sailor. Life is throwing adversities because you're strong enough to handle it. Don't think about this dog! You've to look after Justus and Highness Rithambara. You can't just die. "

Augustus revived a bit of his sense hearing to Aurelius's words. He was right! He did wrong by accusing his mother but justice won't come to her by killing himself. Moreover, love of his life and his son were waiting for him. His Rithambara left behind everything to accompany him. She took it all upon herself with an easy smile. When Eagles attacked, instead of blaming him for her safety, she fought like his comrade. While he was troubled with traumas of past, she pressed his head softly in order to soothe him. She showered him and Justus with pure love when he didn't how to quench his thirst of guilt. Yes, He made mistake of trusting wrong people but it wasn't right if he would kill himself.

Cassius was infuriated with Aurelius's audacity of trying to rain on his parade. He glared at him which Aurelius gladly returned but afterall, he wasn't letting it go easily.

" You don't need to worry about your wife and your filthy son. My daughter is in Florence and by now, she must have taken care of them. "

This was enough for Augustus to pick himself up. Even before Cassius could fathom anything, he was on his toes. He gritted his teeth, " I swear, if anything happens to my wife or my son, your daughter would regret taking birth. "

" And what if she has already killed them? " Cassius chimed in.

Augustus picked up the sword and made his firm decision. Old Cassius's bloodied face reminded him of the insults he threw at his son infront of his courtmen. His heart filled with bitterness by just remembering that scene and his hold tightened on the sword.

His eyes bled rage and he shouted intensely which echoed in the battlefield. It was a matter of few seconds when his sword punctured Cassius's body and the latter vomited more blood when his internal organs recieved the piercing blow.

A last agonized scream came out of his mouth which slowly and gradually silenced the battlefield. Every Sicily soldier lost his enthusiasm when they heard about King Cassius's death wheras, soldiers of Florence hooted and cheered zealously.

Augustus fell down on his knees infront of Cassius's lifeless body and stared at it intensely. No enthusiasm, no cheerfulness, nothing! His stares were blank like inactive volcano but his mind was burning with hot magma.

Enthusiasm of winning Rome was perished by betrayal of his loved ones.
Valentina and Marcus! Two people whom he trusted to moon and back betrayed him. He had spent around two years in guilt, pain and mourning over a lady who did it all for crown.

The blanket of love in which he had wrapped Valentina's memories was now creating itch over his soul. He didn't know how to throw it off!

Her soft voice was colliding in his mind and the bloodied sword fell down from his hands when he thought about other betrayer. Marcus, his younger brother. The one who took care of Justus, who supported him through his thick and thin. He was never interested in dirty politics to get the crown or that's what he told him. He was always interested in arts or that's what he painted infront of his eyes.

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