Chapter 34

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A young maiden was screaming at top of her lungs while four men were trying to force themselves on her petite form. One of them was hovering over a girl while other three held her hands and legs in order to secure her body to the ground.

The one who was on the girl's left side, saw a mysterious lady alongwith royal soldiers coming in their direction with angry looks on their face. He gasped seeing it and nudged his other two companions who had the same reaction as him.They couldn't believe that royal soldiers would come in isolated place like this which was aloof from the main city. It was the perfect place for them to quench their thirst but it seemed like that stars were not in their favor today.

Sweat beads appeared on their forehead and they looked at each other with apprehensiveness and before soldiers could catch them, they started running in opposite direction.

Ritha face was reaking fire and all she could see was red. Seeing them running, her face shook in anger and she ordered all ten soldiers, "Catch them now! None of them should be spared."

When one soldier tried to argue about her safety, she screamed in anger, " I said go! Catch them and bring them in front of me dead or alive. I don't care."

Sensing anger of the princess which was dripping through her voice, nobody dared to defy and all rushed in order to catch those rascals. Ritha was proceeding towards the fourth man with thoughts of perishing his mere existence.

The fourth men who was hovering over the lady was so lost in his lustful thoughts that he became immune to his surrounding and was solemnly focused on the lady. He was biting on her neck aggressively while his hands fumbled with sleeves of her dress and tore it down. The lady was crying hysterically and repeatedly begged him to leave her but all her pleas went unheard.

He was about to tear the white piece of gown from her bossom when someone clutches his hair from root. To say he was shocked would be the biggest understatement. His heart stopped beating for a second because he didn't expect anyone at this time. He cried in anguishment when his neck was painfully turned around with jerk.

He raised his eyelids to see a lady looking down at him with fury in her eyes. He couldn't understand what was happening and due to her different attire for a second, he thought that she's a divine lady or something. He came back in his senses when a harsh slap landed on his left cheek.

He was astonished by the strong impact of the slap because he didn't expect it from a lady but at the same time, this slap was like a slap on his ego. He glanced around to look for his friends but he found none. In place if his friends, he found other lady consoling the young maiden who was quivering uncontrollably.

Ritha held his collar in her tight fist. She looked at the young girl who was shivering due to cold and trauma. Immediately, she unwrapped her white furry shawl from her body using her free hand and gave it to Aquila. She nodded her head in understanding and carefully wrapped it around the maiden whose eyes couldn't stop the tears leaking out. Rithambara's anger was rising by each and every second seeing the tears of the young girl.

         The bronze metallic colour was slowly fading and dark black colour was dominanting the sky

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The bronze metallic colour was slowly fading and dark black colour was dominanting the sky. The man tried to free his collar from Ritha's hand but he was unable to do so. After struggling for few more minutes, he bit hard on Ritha's hand which was holding his collar. Aquila let out a gasp wheras Ritha's grip loosened up.

The man was fast enough to drag his body away from Ritha wheras she smirked humourlessly and muttered, "lion loves to chase his prey." Saying so, she ran behind him with a lightening speed. She deliberately let him run because unknowingly, he was going in the direction of the carriage making her task easier. Meanwhile, the man thought that he won this race and thanked Lord for saving him but what he didn't know was Lord's true intentions.

Aquila also tried to help the young girl stand up but she couldn't because of the aftermath of the traumatizing incident. Later Aquila scooped the young girl in her arms effortlessly as if she was a weightless sack and strolled towards the carriage.

When the man was few yards away from the carriage, Ritha increased her speed and kicked on his back knee which resulted in his fall on the ground like a lifeless leaf. Ritha came in front of him and whispered in her deadly tone, "not so soon! Justice has to be done." The man gulped sensing the determination in the lady's voice and once again tried to free himself but this time Ritha mercilessly dragged him all the way to the carriage and forcefully made him stand up.

She then banged his head numerous time on the wooden carriage harshly. Soon the brown wooden carriage was painted with colour red but that didn't stop Ritha. Sensing her anger, even Aquila didn't have the guts to stop her. Soon enough, the road beneath was also stained with the man's impure blood. His front tooth got broken from the edge and got stuck in his lips making him loose more blood.

He barely spoke in his fainting tone, " please stop! Please" hearing such words from his mouth made Ritha more hyper and she threw him down in the ground with a jolt and kept her foot on his bloody face and spoke, did you leave her when she pleaded you? "

When he didn't answer back, Ritha applied more pressure making the culprit moan in pain. She thundered, "answer me! Did you leave her? "

The man gathered all his courage and whispered, "no..! "

"Then how do you expect from me to leave you? " spoke Rithambara. She ordered the horse rider to light up the lantern of the carriage as it was getting darker by each passing second.

She told Aquila to take the lady inside of the carriage and make her sit. After waiting for few more minutes, she spotted soldiers returning with other three culprits. All the soldiers bowed down in front of her and were about to push them inside the carriage bur they were stopped by Rithambara.

She enquired whether there were extra ropes in the carriage or not and after getting a positive answer, she
spoke after a pause, "they will be dragged till the palace. "

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