Chapter 25

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Before Rithambara could take out her small sword from her waistband, the intruder held her hands and whispered in a hushed tone, "not this time sweetheart. "

Rithambara, who till now had an angry look giggled softly. " You love attacking from the backside. Isn't it? "

What Ritha didn't realise was that they were standing next to their room and Augustus opened the door of his room and pulled her inside with him. He smirked, "You look enticing from behind. " But his smirk fell down when he saw Ritha giving him one of her deadliest look. "Wh.... What happened? I swear, it was not to disrespect you. God! I'm your husband! I can say that. "

"Husband or not you don't get to say such despicable things."

Augustus had his eyes wide, "despicable ? I'm your husband! It's definitely not despicab.... Alright! Pardon me! It is despicable ." he changed his sentence in mid when he saw his wife's anger rising.

Here, Rithambara was just teasing Augustus to see his reaction. She freed herself from Augustus's embrace and went near balcony to show her fake anger. When Ritha's back was facing Augustus , he huffed and mimicked the way Ritha said despicable in hushed tone.

" I heard that, your highness! " said Ritha while trying to control her laughter. Augustus just rolled his eyes and went near Ritha hugging her from behind. He turned her around and was surprised to see his wife smiling. Her smile was dipped in honey and coated with sweetness which always changed the taste of his bitter heart.

The sunrays falling on the couple considered themselves lucky to be a part of their pure affection. Ritha's eyelashes fell down after seeing her husband so close to her. It was like history was tracing it's path back because it was the very same place where they hugged each other for the first time. Only difference was that this time sun was lucky enough to witness them not moon.

Augustus snaked his arms around Ritha's waist and leaned closer to her which made Ritha lean backward. Her hair was flowing in every direction making her look divine. Augustus whisperd, " hmm! So you were playing games with me? "
He raised her chin and tilted in a way that they both were making an eye contact. " Oh! So, now my wife is blushing. " Rithambara was feeling too shy to reply . She was deep into the intense and delightful moment. To avoid looking into her husband's eyes, she started playing with the buttons of Augustus's shirt.

Augustus kissed her forehead and connected his nose with her. His musky perfume and her rosy smell were intensified ten times more with their beautiful connection. Augustus further closed the distance between them and was about to taste her beautiful lips for the second time when someone yelled from downwards , " don't make me more jealous and be more careful. My love can fall down. "

Augustus's romantic demeanor completely changed into angry one within a blink when he heard the voice which he recognised very well. He was pushed away by the embarrassed Rithambara who ran inside as if her life was in danger.

Augustus looks down to see his brother Marcus grinning at him. He really wanted to abuse him but stopped himself because Justus was in Marcus's hand. " Wait till you get married to Aquila. Wait a minute! I will not allow her to marry you, you idiot! " screamed Augustus and went inside leaving behind a laughing Marcus. Justus didn't understand anything but laughed seeing her uncle. "With the speed that they are going you can get your little brother or sister very fast, Justus. But I don't want that so soon. I want you to enjoy your mother's love which is exclusively for you. " Justus was curiously listening to his uncle's words but shrugged his shoulders in response.

"I'm helping you and you just ignored my words. Seems like you want a brother or a sister for you, you little monster ." huffed Marcus.

Rithambara was sitting on the bed and had her eyes close. She was red because of embarrassment she faced outside. She knew Marcus was teasing them but it could have been anyone. It was very improper to show affection in daylight according to Ritha.

Augustus dammed his brother for ruining their romantic movement. 'That idiot ' screamed Augustus in his mind at his brother. He wanted to continue their moment so he went near her and held her hands. "Hey! It's fine! Nothing to be embarrassed of. You are my wife and it is normal for us. " cooed Augustus in order to calm her.

But Rithambara was very much ashamed and tried to withdraw her hands from Augustus's hand but he , instead of letting her go pulled her with such force that they both fell on bed and Rithambara was on top of her. Her heartbeat escalated because of such close proximity. She tried to get up but effortlessly Augustus turned around which made Ritha fall on the bed and this time Augustus was hovering over her.

"Please get off me " said Ritha in very soft voice which was unusual for her personality . She had never been in such a situation and her fear was increasing with every passing second. She gulped audibly which didn't go unnoticed by Augustus. The movement caused Augustus to look at her creamy neck which was driving him crazy.

"Why? I don't want to get up. I like here" replied Augustus with a smirk playing on his face. Ritha's lips were trembling and she was unable to speak. It was like she had lost all her powers to push Augustus away and without any doubt, it was clear that she was very nervous.

In order to make her more comfortable, Augustus pushed aside the hair from her forehead and traced his fingers on her face making Ritha intake a huge amount of air in one go through her nostrils. She had her eyes close after feeling her husband's ethereal touches on her.

Everything about Rithambara was driving Augustus crazy. From her different way of dressing to her strong personality , everything about her was unique which increased his infatuation for her.

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