Dear Freddie

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Dear Freddie,

I miss you everyday. Not a day goes by when I don't visit your grave and cry. I wish you could see how lonely I am now. Remember all the pranks we pulled on the professors? Mum? Umbridge? That fireworks display was epic. And I can remember sitting with you, discussing all that, and I miss it so much! I miss you so much, Freddie.

Talking of mum, she called me Fred the other day. I replied "Honestly woman, you call yourself our mother?" Her and I, we cried a little. She then walked away and got on with things. I stayed in my room and cried more.

Remember that time on Platform 9 3/4 we met Harry Potter? The boy who lived? We spoke to each other the day before, knowing something big was going to happen. It was like the day you.... you died. We knew something big was gonna happen. Just not like that. If I'd known, I would have never let you. I would've died in your place. I would've died with you.


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