Facts that might make you cry :(

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1) George gave his wand to his son and kept Fred's wand as his own.

2) Sirius's last thought in that split second between life and death was "Here I come, Prongs."

3) Draco Malfoy attended Fred Weasley's funeral. He stood in the far back, careful not to be seen, and after he thought everyone had left, he lingered a bit. He'd never let on that he secretly thought the twins were quite funny, and he was truly sorry he'd been part of the reason that Fred died. Draco would never tell anyone he was there, and George would never tell anyone he saw him cry.

4) The first and last words ever spoken by Dobby were "Harry Potter"

5) Fred was always the first. The twins' names were as such: Fred and George. He was noticed first, thought of first, did everything before his brother. George never minded this, he'd grown used to following his twin. Until one day, Fred did something first that George would never forget, and never get over. He did the one thing that they should have done together.

6) George was never able to evoke a Patronus Charm again after Fred's death.

7) In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 when it is releaved that Harry isn't dead, George turns to share this moment with his twin, but then realizes there's no one there.

8) Both Sirius and Fred, Hogwarts pranksters from different generations, died laughing.

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