Chapter Forty

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Many other trailers on Youtube, here's one of them (shout out to whomever made this! I couldn't find your account, I'm so sorry!) Hopefully, I'll be able to share more :)
If it doesn't work, look up 'Deranged Harry Styles' on Youtube and some trailers should pop up!


I completely stopped reading comments so don't be nervous to inbox me if you want me to see your message! Looove ya, boo :* I apologize for leaving you for so long :'( I promise I'm back for good!

Carter's Point of View

"Wha-how?" I spoke, my eyebrows furrowing.

"We need to leave before. . . Before. . ."

"Before what, Harry?" I asked.

"Ah, shit!" He cursed, pulling away to grip his right arm with his left hand. Before I could even speak, I was grabbed and pulled away from the tunnel. We kept running and running till I was out of breath. I really couldn't understand the sudden change until he spoke again. "Fuck no," He breathed out. I peered from behind him and stared at the bright lights.

"What are they doing here?" I whispered.

"Still mourning over the lost bodies. Cowards can't even step a foot in that damn tunnel." He responded. "Though I wouldn't blame them. It's a portal to hell."

We continued to watch as a few boys started getting closer to us.

"We should hide," I suggested. He wouldn't budge at all, just stood frozen. "Harry, they'll know who you-or we are. . ."

"Just wait," He said in a hushed voice. ". . . Wait."

"Hey!" A voice shouted from ahead. "Why are you two so far out? That's a bit dangerous."


"We were just scoping out the tunnel," He cut me off. Great.

"Dude, that's dangerous," The black haired boy spoke as he placed the cigarette back in his mouth. "See anything inside?"

"Not really, you three got a flashlight on you?"

The two shook their heads as the other patted his pockets until he finally spoke. "Only got a mini flashlight, why?"

"Will do, follow me," He instructed. Just then, they seemed to have noticed my presence, all eyes landing on me. "Hey, eyes on me!" His voice suddenly boomed, scaring me as well. They awkwardly shifted their gaze on Harry. "Good, lets get going."

As we walked, I could hear the three quietly mumbling about walking back to the group. Harry's demeanor scared them too much to say no. I would know from quite the experience.

"W-What's your names?" A hesitant voice finally cut the long silence.

"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine," Harry stated. It took a while before the three decided to confess.




That was that. Harry didn't bother telling them our names. So I decided to turn to them and say something.

"My name is-"

"Don't," Harry suddenly snapped, glaring at me. I immediately shut up and looked away from the boys.

"Mate, that was a bit harsh," The Louis boy, I assume, commented.

"You haven't seen harsh yet, buddy," Harry growled once we reached the tunnel.

"Wait. . . Why are we even here again?" I whispered to him, slightly confused. He ignored me and held out his hand towards Liam, waiting for him to give up the small blue flashlight. He nervously set it in Harry's cut up palm and backed away.

"Ever lost anybody?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, our friend went missing a while back. Blonde haired lad, big party guy," Zayn reluctantly answered.

"I'd ask you to not smoke in here, they don't enjoy that peculiar smell."


"I believe your friend is in here, lost and vulnerable." Harry suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest. "Stay by my side. You hear me, darling?" I nodded and gripped tightly onto his hand.

"N-Niall? Oh God," The tall boy whimpered, a sob escaping past his lips.

"Niall is it?"


"Now I'm no miracle worker, but I'd say I could bring him back for you." Now I was beyond confused.


"First, we make a deal. I give you your friend, you sneak us past all those dipshits and drive us far away from here."

They pondered a bit, looking obviously skeptical.

"Ok, we'll do it," Louis spoke. The other two stared at him as if he were insane. "If it means Niall is actually alive, then we'll do it."

Harry suddenly smirked. "Then we have our deal. C'mon, babe."

Once we were in the tunnel and they were out of earshot I decided to speak. "What makes you think they won't run away? For goodness sakes! We're in the tunnel!"

"Hey, hey," He whispered, hoping to calm me but I was far from it. "It won't take long and we'll be gone for good. They know damn well not to leave us."

It was left at that. I had not enough energy to figure out the tiny argument, so I let him grab the boy from who knows where. I jumped at the sight of him; parts of his skin cut open, dark bags under his eyes. Though, he looked familiar.

"W-Wait. . . Didn't the creatures t-take that boy?" I timidly asked. "Where did you find him?"

"Do you really want to know the answer?" He stared at me with a hardened look. Yes.

"No," I sighed.

"Thought so, now c'mon," He ushered us out, dragging the boy along.

"Oh shit, Niall!" Zayn suddenly shouted, sobbing a bit more than Liam. He grabbed the boy from Harry's grip and picked him up. "What happened to him?"

"About that deal now," Harry spoke, not bothering to answer the dark haired lads curious question. "Lets get a move on, shall we?"

All three grumbled and followed us toward the bright car lights. Yeah, this should be interesting.

Author's Note -

PLEASE don't be afraid to inbox me! I love making friends from out of the state/country! We can send each other gifts ahh! I've done it with my friends from out of the country before!! :D

This is gonna be a bit silly, but my friend (and I mean ACTUAL new friend from school) and I made a lame vine account for edits hahaha! It's called, Makee Edits if you maybe might want to follow?

SPEAKING OF FOLLOWING! I swear this should be my sign off on every chapter ending but my Instagram account is still @/_Makayla_xx
Comment on a random picture and I might follow ;)


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