Chapter Twenty Eight

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So I have a lot of marriage requests... I'd love to marry you guys! Quick question, will there be pizza at the reception?

Carter's Point of View

Once Harry had finished his long shower, he told me he was going out to collect some things; I didn't really understand what that meant. For more food, I guess. As for me, I was curled in a ball, under my covers. The house was completely silent, and it had given me more peaceful time to think. I didn't think too much, knowing it would result in stress and anxiety.

I simply closed my eyes, my mind wandering over to visions of Harry. He had left in a pair of my dads old, grey sweats and a plain black t-shirt. I suddenly pictured when he walked out of the bathroom shirtless, a gold chain necklace hanging from his neck. What confused me was that I had never seen it before. I suddenly let out a laugh, burying my face in my pillow; I'm thinking of a shirtless man, when there are many awful things going on.

For instance, the fact that both of my parents are gone. I shook my head and replaced those ugly-truthful-thoughts with Harry. Oh gosh, at least he's not here, or I'd feel embarrassed.

"Carter," A voice whispered, suddenly catching my attention. I smiled and lifted my head from my pillow to see if Harry was trying to play a stupid game. My smile slowly faltered as I looked around my room and in my closet. I sat at the edge of the bed, my room falling to complete silence.

"Harry?" I finally spoke out, my eyebrows slowly furrowing. I waited for an answer, or to see if he'd randomly jump out from a small hiding spot I hadn't checked. I felt a suddenly cold draft at my ankles as a shiver ran up my spine. I hesitantly looked down at my feet, something odd catching my attention. The back of my heal was bloody, but I didn't scratch it on anything.

My sudden screams filled the room, two bloody hands grabbing my ankles from under my bed. I tried to stand up and run, but the two hands kept my feet in the same place, causing me to trip and fall on my face. My nose hit the wooden floor, nearly knocking me out. The hands suddenly let go, allowing me to back away in an instant. My nose was bleeding, there were bloody handprints on my ankles; I don't want to be home alone any longer.

I scurried out of my room and bolted down the stairs, stopping dead in my tracks. The front door had been left wide open. I slowly crept towards it, shutting and locking it quickly. I spun around, my eyes scanning every single corner. The sound of a door slamming shut came from upstairs, followed by footsteps; I stood and listened to the point where the footsteps completely stopped.

A knock came from the front door, startling me. I unlocked the door and opened it, Harry's face appearing. I sighed in relief, opening the door wide for him to walk in.

"What the hell happened?" He suddenly asked, stepping inside and dropping his bags to grab my face.

"H-Harry, I think someone's in the house," I whispered, quickly forgetting to answer his question. He furrowed his eyebrows and I pointed to the stairs. He followed my finger and his gaze suddenly hardened.

"Stay here," He instructed before he walked up the steps. I watched him disappear upstairs, leaving me and the plastic bags he was carrying. I checked one bag, noticing a few canned foods. I'm guessing he spent all of this on the money he stole from that motorcycle. "No one's up there," A voice sounded behind me, causing me to jump in fright.

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows, staring at him in shock. "A door slammed shut, there were footsteps; I heard it!"

"He's just screwing with you," He whispered.

"H-He grabbed my feet," I whispered, pointing to my bloody feet. He looked down, his eyebrows furrowing. He suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me up the steps. He shoved me in a bathroom and forced me to sit on the floor. He wet a towel and sat down in front of me before he started wiping the blood off my ankles.

DerangedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora