Chapter Twenty

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I tried to rewrite this chapter -_- gahh.

Carter's Point of View

"I can see the town," I mumbled after hours had passed.

"C'mon." He pulled me towards town, not speaking another word. I recognized it to be the bad part of town. As we neared it, I could hear hushed voices. My feet hit the cold cement, causing me to shiver. With every step, the voices grew louder.

Harry stopped me and peered down the alley, quickly pulling back. He cursed under his breath, causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. I wanted to see who it was, but I knew I couldn't.

"Just be careful next time, will ya?" A strict voice came from the alley. I missed the response because I was too busy focusing on the loud footsteps. We waited until two men in police uniforms came into sight. Their gaze darted over at us, nearly snapping their own necks.

"You two," The bald officer whispered before he quickly grabbed his gun as he rushed to call for backup. I was pulled behind Harry, so I could barely see what was going on in front of him.

"Put your hands up!" The other officer demanded. "Stop hiding the girl."

I was pulled in front of Harry by the bald officer. He quickly cuffed me as Harry growled and glared. I watched as the other officer struggled to put the cuffs on Harry.

"Back up is coming, just grab the damn boy!" The bald officer spoke to the other, harshly. Harry suddenly turned and faced the officer, quickly grabbing a hold of the gun that was secured in the officer's waist belt. He backed away, aiming the gun at the officer, before turning it to the other.

"That was too fucking easy," Harry chuckled, smirking at both men. "I suggest you let go of the girl or I won't shoot."

The officer had no choice but to let go. Harry grabbed me and pulled my back up to his chest before placing the cold metal against the side of my head.

"Get in your car before I pull the fucking trigger!" He yelled at them, making me a bit nervous. They slowly trailed towards the cop car, opening the door and sighing in relief as sirens heard around the empty town. Harry's grip tightened, the second car pulling up.

"Drop the gun!" Another officer demanded, causing Harry to chuckle. "This isn't a game."

Harry turned us around, all four officers pointing guns at us. I shuddered and pushed myself closer to Harry. "Go ahead, shoot me." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Drop the gun, and release the girl," The same officer repeated. Harry scoffed and took a step back, forcing me to do the same.

"Make me," Harry stated, his voice sounding so harsh. That's when another officer called in for more back up.

"I need you to calm down and do as we say," They replied, slowly. Harry ignored them as he continued taking backwards steps. Two police cars showed up from the other direction, completely trapping us as the officers stepped out of their vehicles. "It's best to surrender!"

"Alright, alright," Harry sighed in false defeat as he let go of me, but never dropped the gun. One officer stepped towards me, attempting to snatch me away from Harry when a loud gun shot fired so suddenly. The officer fell to his knees, gripping his shoulder as the obnoxious ringing echoed in my ears. I was grabbed from behind as another shot fired right after the first one. I thought I was in Harry's grip; but as I turned around, I realized it was an officer.

He pulled me towards one of the cars as I searched and found Harry. "Harry!" I cried out, staring at the bleeding boy who had fallen to the ground. I struggled in the officers tight grip, trying to run back to Harry. His eyes were open and he was still breathing as he clutched onto his stomach. Before I could get another word out, I was shoved in a car.

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