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I woke up with Iroh's arms wrapped around me, it felt good, but no, I was still mad at him.

I stayed like that for a moment, before I hesitantly pulled away and climbed over him to get out of bed.

It seemed that I'd woken him up because he slightly sat up blinking and looking around in confusion, his hair was all ruffled and messy and his voice was tired and raspy,

"Y/N? Where are you - *yawn* - going?"

"To sail the boat."

"Where to?"

"Home. Remember?"

He raised his eyebrows and his eyes widened,


I ignored him and went above deck to steer.

I didn't bother changing out of my nightwear, I just wanted to get home and forget this whole thing ever happened.

But Y/N, it's not even a major deal, it wasn't even that big of a fight... but he was so quick to just say that we're going home, he was so quick to abandon me. I clearly didn't mean much to him...

I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

I was such an idiot. Why was I such an idiot? I thought that he loved me, I thought that he wanted me beside him, I thought that we were going to be together forever. How stupid... I make a couple of angry remarks and now he wants me gone forever? What was I thinking? I'm not allowed to be happy, I'm not allowed to love... I should've kept my mouth shut. I should've listened to my parents.

Knock, knock.

I wiped my face and turned around to see Iroh stood in the door of the captain's cabin. He was dressed in red as usual, but his hair was still messy like he'd just woken up.

"Y/N, can we talk?"

"What's there to talk about?"

He sighed before beckoning me to follow him to the deck. I rolled my eyes before following him and then sat beside him, dangling our feet over the edge of the boat.

"Why are you so angry, Y/N?"

"I'm not."

He raised his eyebrow at me.

"Okay, I am. You just- ugh. I just- I'd have appreciated it if you hadn't led me on, this might be a big game to you, but you're just playing with my feelings."

"What are you talking about?"

"It's just- my whole life, my whole perspective of love was based on the way my parents treated me, the way they look down on me, the way my father looks down on my mother- I didn't want love, I was scared to ever let love into my life. I become numb to the way my parents saw me and shut my heart off to the rest of the world...

Then I met you, and you made me feel like I mattered, you showed me that I wasn't worthless, I felt safe and secure, I felt free when I was with you.

Then I started questioning myself, is this love? Is this what real love is? Because this is how books describe the concept of love. But I kept denying and denying that I was in love... I couldn't be in love, because all love does is bring pain. But you didn't bring me pain, you brought me happiness... you were my happiness.

Then, in the face of death, I realised I didn't want to be anywhere if I wasn't by your side. I wanted to be with you no matter what, even if I was dying beside you. And I loved you and I still love you and I'll always love you... but you have one little falling out with me and you never want to see me again!? I can't believe you just- "

He screwed up his face and interrupted me,

"Wait, what? What are you talking about? I didn't say that I didn't want to see you again."

"You said we were going back to the Fire Nation."

"That doesn't mean I don't want to see you again."

"Well, what does it mean then? What do you think is going to happen to me when we get back? Huh? You think I'm gonna be welcomed home with open arms? You're never going to see me again."

He rubbed his hand on his chin, deep in thought before concluding,

"Well then you can come back to the palace with me."


"Y/N, would you please stop trying to come up with a problem for every solution"

I sighed and looked out at the horizon, watching the blurred line where the sky meets the sea, smelling the salt of the ocean, feeling it flow through my hair. I'd miss this.

He pulled my hand into his and pulled my face so my eyes met his,

"Y/N, I love you. I want to be by your side every day for the rest of my life. I was angry, yes, but that doesn't mean and will never mean that I don't love you more than anything in this world. If we were to return to the Fire Nation, I had no intention of leaving you, I said what I said out of anger and I'm sorry that I ever made you doubt how much you mean to me."

I felt my heart racing in my chest,

"I- uh, yeah, it's okay. I guess, I'm sorry too, for not listening, I guess I just got so excited to see the world that I disregarded the dangers that we could be facing, especially since we've nearly died twice already. You clearly have done this before and know what you're talking about, I should've listened."

He slipped his hand away from my face before ruffling my hair and smirking,

"There's nothing to apologise for"

I smiled, feeling warmth fill my cheeks and a weight lift from my chest.

"So, Iroh... training?"

He chuckled and stood up before pulling me after him,

"So, do you think that since you'll be coming back to the palace with me... that I could expect your return to the forces, cadet?"

I grinned widely,

"You can count on it, General!"

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