The Bloodbender

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Iroh's POV
She clicked her fingers and BANG, BANG, BANG, explosions went off from all over my boat. I turned to Y/N and tried to grab onto her:


But I was too late, the impact from the explosions sent both of us flying in different directions, I fell deep into the water and began swimming upwards to the surface, I needed to make sure Y/N was safe, luckily we were submerged in her element, she should be fine, but I had no idea where she had landed. I didn't realise how deep I was in the ocean because my head was beginning to feel light from the lack of oxygen, but I kept swimming, looking for her, I could see pieces of my boat, clothing, armour, weapons... but I couldn't see her.

Then, everything went dark.

I woke up tied to a chair with a gag in my mouth, across from me was a tall woman with dark, curly hair, she wore a pirate captain's hat and had a reptilian bird on her shoulder,

"So, you finally joined us?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, I couldn't speak, I could barely move a muscle.

"Don't worry, if you comply I'll let you go. I'm looking for the avatar, and I need you to bring him to me."

She strutted towards me and yanked the gag from my mouth but I declared,

"Forget it, I'm not helping you."

"Hm, I thought you might say that, I'll be back... don't have too much fun without me!"

She returned minutes later with another member of her crew dragging something, no, someone... no, it couldn't be...

But when they pulled her forwards, right in front of me, it was clear as day, it was Y/N.

Her eyes widened when they met mine, then they filled with tears that streamed down her face as she whispered,

"You're alive..."

The captain shoved a gag into her mouth and picked her up by the front of her clothes before slamming her into a chair in front of me.

"Hey! Don't touch her!"

She ignored me and clicked her fingers, the pirate in the white bandana that dragged Y/N in here walked over to her chair and added to her bindings, tying her to the chair.

She drew her cutlass from her belt and held it at Y/N's throat before sadistically smiling at me,

"Now that I have your attention, I believe we have business to discuss..."

"Put the sword down. Leave her out of this."

The captain giggled,

"Oh I don't think you're in any position to tell me what to do"

She put the end of the blade against Y/N's chin and lifted it so that they were staring directly into each other eyes, she tutted a few times before sighing,

"It'll be a shame to kill someone with such pretty eyes, don't you think?"

"Listen, just, don't hurt her, I'll do what you want me to do."

This earned a smile from the captain who pulled her sword away from Y/N's neck and replaced it in her belt.

"Firstly, I'm going to need the avatar's location."

"Wait, before I tell you anything I need you to promise me that she'll be safe."


"The avatar is in the Fire Nation royal palace, well he was, the last time I saw him."

"That's not enough, you're weeks from the fire nation, he could've moved by now, I need more."

"But I don't know!"

She placed her hand on her cutlass again but I blurted out,

"Tenzin, his son! Tenzin is in the South Pole!"

Y/N started shouted from beneath her gag, wriggling and squirming, shaking her head, the captain noticed this and kicked her shin, hard, with the heel of her boot.

"Stop it! Don't touch her! You promised!"

The captain then turned back to me,

"And why would Aang's son be in the South Pole?"

"He's visiting his mother, Katara, after working with her and the rest of the team in Republic City."


"Now, untie Y/N"

She strolled over to Y/N and used her cutlass to slit the ropes tying her down, Y/N ran over to me, untying me and hugging me tightly, she cried into my chest,

"I thought you were dead..."

I held her tight and ran my fingers through her hair,

"It's okay, it's over now..."

But the captain turned to us, holding her sword and being joined by the other two men from before,

"Not quite."

I pulled Y/N behind me before asking,

"What more could you possibly want?"

"You know too much, I can't let you leave this ship alive"

She lunged towards me and I dodged her, pushing Y/N out of the way too, Y/N then ran forward, ready to attack the others, whilst I was throwing flames at the captain. I heard lightning strike behind me and turned around to see if Y/N was okay but in that moment of misjudgment the captain pulled her sword over my throat.

"Iroh! No!"

Y/N cried out, then I witnessed a type of rage and anger evident in her eyes that I've never seen before. It was like the loving, adventure seeking girl that I knew had disappeared and was replaced by someone fuelled by hate and rage.

She pulled her hands up above her head and I felt the sword by my neck fall to the ground. I looked around me and the entire crew was held above the ground struggling to move.

I looked back to Y/N who had her hands held hands out in front of her, she then twisted her wrists and they all fell to the ground, unconscious.

She fell to her knees panting for breath.


Did Y/N just... bloodbend? In broad daylight?

Tears streamed down her face and she stared at her hands,

"What have I done? Iroh... I'm so- I'm so sorry..."

I ran to her side and rubbed her back,

"Hey, it's okay... you didn't- you didn't do anything wrong..."

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