Chapter 25

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Feeling soft rays of light beam down on me, I groaned and lazily put a hand over my face. Slowly and reluctantly, I fluttered open my eyes and flinched in discomfort as the sun rays hit my eye. As my vision cleared, I took in the sight of the white cream walls and the hardwood dresser before remembering I was at Ethan's grandmas.

 I was incredibly surprised by how well I had slept last night, as I didn't wake once. Sleeping here just felt so warm, so safe, and just right. Despite being a morning person, I kind of didn't want to leave. Strange. 

With a heavy sigh, I moved the bedsheet out my way. However, when I tried to get up, I couldn't. 

The hell? Why the fuck can't I move? 

 Confused, I looked down and- 


 At some point during the night, Ethan had wrapped his long arms around my waist. One of his hands was dug under my t-shirt, so it was lightly skimming my bare waist. While his other was tightly wrapped around one of my breasts. 

Holy shit

The sight alone immediately jolted me awake, and my heart started beating as fast as a freight train. 

His hands are on my fucking boob! Don't freak out, don't freak out. I'm freaking the fuck out! 

I took a deep breath in and out to calm myself. Should I wake him? 

Deciding I'd rather save myself from the awkwardness of a confrontation, I slowly grabbed his hand and tried to lower it off of me. Ethan just groaned and moved his hand back to its original position, so it was firmly wrapped around my breast once more. And to make it even worse, he cuddled up even closer to me and resting his head into the crook of my neck. 

So much for keeping to separate sides! That rule had clearly gone to shit. 

"Ethan," I hissed, as I tried to wiggle out of his hold. The rhythmical rise and fall of his chest, continued behind me, indicating he was still asleep. As I continued to squirm, I felt something uncomfortable and hard, digging into the small of my back. What the hell is that? 


Realizing what it was, my eyes sprang wider in shock.

"ETHAN," I screamed, as I jammed my elbow hard into his stomach. He started to stir and loosened his hold before letting out a long groan. 

"What the hell is your problem Chubs? Don't screech like that," he mumbled in a raspy voice, still sounding half asleep. A sexy-as fuck, half-asleep voice, may I add. 

 "I screeched because look where your fucking hands are," I snapped.

 "What are you...Oh shit." Ethan exclaimed as he immediately dropped his arms from around me and shot back in shock. He scrambled into a seating position, seeming arguably more shaken up than me. 

Now that I was finally free, I sat up and turned around to face him properly. He looked frazzled beyond belief and was repeatedly running his hand through his hair like it was some nervous tick. 

 I raised an eyebrow at him. "What happened to your no touching rule, huh?" I probed. 

A fierce blush overtook his face, and he looked more embarrassed than I've ever seen him. "L-look I'm so sorry Mia. It was an accidental boob touch. You see, I was just having this crazy-ass dream which I don't really want to get into, but it just- I -look I'm just sorry," He said, rambling like an idiot.

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