Chapter 23

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It was the next day after the party, and I was lounged out on the school's bleachers bored out of my mind.

 I know, I know, it was a bit of a weird location, but I liked it.

 There was nothing better than sitting here after school and catching some sun. And as long as the coach didn't catch me, it was always a nice quiet place to recline back and read my book. Well, only on Thursday's because nobody had practice.

 I groaned as I rubbed the kinks out of my neck.

  Wait, crap. No, no, no, no. Please tell me, it didn't come off

I quickly dug my hand into my bag and pulled out my hand mirror. 

Oh, thank god.

The foundation had not been smeared, and Ethan's monstrosity of a mark was still covered. The last thing I needed was to accidentally rub it off and then have my dad see it. The thought alone made me shudder.

I jerked my head up in surprise, hearing the sound of approaching footsteps and distant voices. I growled in anger as I saw our school's soccer team, heading straight my way. What the hell were they doing here? It was a Thursday for fucks sake, and the field was mine on Thursday.

Begrudgingly, I started to grab my bag so I could get up and leave, but I stopped when something caught my eye. 

Looking as perfect as ever, Ethan confidently strolled his way across the field. He dumped his kit lazily onto the side, before running a hand through the soft curls of his dark messy hair. 

Well, fuck me. I guess I was going to have to stay now because I would have to be an actual idiot to ditch a chance to see Ethan running around in tight shorts looking all hot and sweaty.

 I know what you're thinking, it's a little bit creepy to just sit and stare, but can you blame me? 

He's hot! 

The coach blew the whistle, and with a few reluctant groans of protest, they all started to jog around the perimeter of the field. Mesmerized, I watched as Ethan jogged lap after lap, without even seeming to tire for a second. Then the most beautiful thing happens. He slowed down to a halt and pulled his t-shirt over his head.

 Yes, you heard me right, he pulled off his top and chucked it carelessly to the side. My eyes wasted no time in drinking up all the naked flesh he had to offer, right from his broad glistening shoulders, to his glorious washboard abs.

 I blushed as I watched the muscles of his back contract and relax, in a hypnotizing manner. My gaze soon dropped, and I admired the sight of his taut ass through the elasticated material of his shorts.

 Okay, okay I officially needed to stop now. I was clearly getting a little bit too carried away. It's lucky people can't read your mind otherwise Ethan would be filing for a restraining order against me in no time. 

"Take a break guys, go get some water," the coach yelled.

 I watched as Ethan made his way back over to the bench. He grabbed the bottle, and just when I thought he was about to take a sip, he raised it higher and doused it over his head. It was honestly the cruelest thing he could have done, because the beads of water trickled all the way down his chest, making me jealous of every last one. 

You know your life had truly gone to shit when you're jealous of beads of water. Yet here I am, wishing I was one of them. 

With one final glance at Ethan, I slowly climbed to my feet, knowing it was about time for me to bounce.

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