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Addison's P.O.V.~

Today was the big day. The day that either (Y/N), or I would become a werewolf. And hopefully the day we'd retrieve the moonstone for the werewolves. We were currently at school, in some werewolf looking apparel, which made a lot of people excited but over course the acey's had to say something about it.

"Bad hair day?" Lacey asked smugly.

"More like bad hair life!" Stacey responded as JC laughed. 

"I think it looks great." (Y/N), said firmly.

"Yeah, not so much. If you guys ever expect to be cheer captain-" Lacey began to speak but I interrupted.

"Well, maybe we don't. Maybe the cheer team isn't for us after all." I said angrily as the acey's gasped before walking away.

(Y/N), and I laughed together. This morning we had come to the conclusion that we'd do it. One of us would transform into a werewolf. I really wanted to tell Zed, burn I still somewhat angry at him. I mean he didn't have the right to chase after me into a forest than tell me not to become a werewolf! I understood that he wanted to keep me safe but that wasn't the way to go about it.

"Addison, (Y/N)!" Zed called out jumping past people to get over to where I and my sister stood. "I was up all night thinking you guys aren't werewolves, you can't be!" 

"But we love moonlight strolls!" (Y/N), said defensively.

"Yeah, you guys also like sunsets too but that doesn't mean you're a vampire!" Zed retorted making (Y/N), rolls her eyes.

"Zed!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Look it's really hard being considered a monster. Trust me." Zed said looking between (Y/N) and me.

"All we've ever wanted was to find my pack. To find where we belong. And now we finally have." My sister said confidently to my boyfriend.

"When we see the wolves, we're going to put this on," I said reaching into my pocket showing Zed the moonstone necklace which he took looking at it intently. "And I'm really sorry we can't make the debate, but we need to find the wolves."

"Good luck." (Y/N), said as we walked away.

"Whoops, almost forgot!" I called out running back over to Zed to take the necklace from him. "You'll do great, Zed," I whispered kissing him on the lips before walking back to my sister.

"Attention, attention. This is an active demolition site. All personnel please evacuate immediately. Demolition is scheduled for 5:00 PM this evening." A voice boomed over the intercom of Seabrook Power.

(Y/N), and I had just managed to sneak in just in time to spot the werewolves as they began going over their plan for the last time. It seemed that they'd given this a lot of thought, so I just hoped they'd succeed. I mean both my sister and I know that this is a huge deal for the werewolves. I mean without this moonstone their whole population will eventually die out.

"All right, we don't have much time," Willa said commandingly.

"This is how we sabotage the demolition and stop them," Wyatt whispered the plan to the rest of the pack.

"It's my responsibility to make sure we're all safe. We follow my lead." Willa said firmly.

"It's a good plan, Willa," Wyatt said annoyedly.

"What plan?" (Y/N), asked stepping out of the shadow with me right behind her.

"(Y/N)!" Wyatt smiled running up to my sister wrapping an arm around her and kissing her on the cheek.

"Hey!" She said smiling.

"We're going after the moonstone. Top secret. You can't tell anyone!" Wynter said excitedly, all of the wolves looked at her confused. "Shoot! Bad wolf, bad wolf!" Wynter called out, putting her fists on her head.

"You're going after the moonstone now?" I asked nervously.

"It won't survive the detonation," Willa answered.

"Then let us join you." (Y/N), answered confidently from Wyatt's arms.

"We're ready to see which one of us is a wolf," I said confidently reaching into my pocket for the moonstone necklace box.

"If you really are one," Willa muttered sourly.

"It's gone," I whispered looking into the empty box.

How on earth had it disappeared!? We'd had it just moments ago when we'd been at the school, with Zed, and now it was gone? Had I dropped it? I really hope that I didn't. The werewolves all furiously looked at me. Wyatt let go of (Y/N), furiously.

"You lost it?" Willa asked flabergasted.

"Do you know how precious a moonstone necklace is?" Wyatt asked (Y/N), angrily, as tears welled up in her eyes.

"If they were serious about trying to become a wolf, if she was the Great Alpha, she wouldn't have been so careless," Willa said glaring at me and my sister, who now had tears streaming down her cheeks.

"No, I... I don't know, how! I..." I said trying to justify what had just happened but there was no way to justify this. I'd lost the moonstone necklace. And most likely my sister's first boyfriend.

"Stay out of our amazing hair." 

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