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Wyatt's P.O.V.~

Classes were over for the morning. I hadn't really been paying attention, but I had to try to somewhat fit in. You know going to class, going to lunch, and hanging out with humans. But I couldn't;t get myself to do the last one. So my substitute? Well, I just sat with (Y/N). She sat at a table with Addison, Eliza, Bree, Bonzo, and Zed. So I took the extra seat beside her.

But the moment I sat down, I regretted it. Zed was glaring daggers my way, and it was seriously making me uncomfortable. So I ignored him reaching for (Y/N) small hand which had been on her lap. She turned to me smilign, she leaned forward kissing me on the cheek. I felt my face turn a deep red. Why was my face turning red? We both know that this was fake, so why was my dum face doing this to me.

I smiled at her, pushing back a strand of white hair. She was really really beautiful. I just couldn't believe that her older cousin would do something that bad to her. And this hadn't even been the first time. I smiled down at her as she smiled up at me. We quickly looked away as someone growled. 

I turned around blushing even more than before. What was going on with my face? I found Zed glaring at me angrily. So I just looked down at my lap awkwardly. But of course (Y/N) wanted to be friendly which was really cute. 

"Wyatt?" She asked smilign.

"Yeah?" I asked her smiling.

"Do, want something to eat?" She asked, sliding her tray a little towards me.

"Sure," I said smilign, as I picked up a soggy french fry, putting it into my mouth. 

She smiled happily, reaching for my free hand, holding it in her small one. I could feel Zed still glaring at me but I really didn't care. I loved just sitting with (Y/N), she was fun. But I had to tell her soon. I had to let her know about the Great Alpha and why I was really here. I had to let her know that she might be the Great Alpha. But I couldn't fathom her being a werewolf. 

I mean look at her, she was just so innocent and sweet. And gorgeous, super gorgeous. Great my face was heating up. Again. I was so tired of this. I don't just want to keep blushing every time I think of her. I don't like her so I shouldn't, be blushing. 

"I'll be right back," I said standing up, from the table quickly. 

(Y/N) nodded like everyone else as I walked away. Once I was out in the hallway, I began to curse myself out. What on earth was wrong with me? Why couldn't I just fake date her with no feelings attached? I just wanted to feel nothing for her. But I knew that wasn't possible. Not when I was dealing with a such a beautiful and perfect girl. I walked down the hallway slowly cursing myself for showing my feelings in front of her and her friends. 

But someone touched me, from behind me. They pulled my arm, so I whipped my body around quickly, growling, making them quickly drop my arm. Bucky? Why the hell was he touching me? He should know that I'd destroy him right now, for hurting (Y/N). She doesn't need a cousin, like him.

"What do you want?" I asked spitting venom.

"I needed to talk about my cousin." He said smirking.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"You don't deserve to be with her. She's far to good for you and your just a dog." He said chuckling rudely before walking off.

Did (Y/N) think of me as a dog? I really hoped not. Because no matter how much I didn't want to admit it, I really did like her. I frowned a bit. What if she didn't like me, and she was just using me. I mean I'd love t help her, but what if she didn't even want to be friends? 

"Wyatt?" A sweet voice said from behind me.

I turned around seeing (Y/N) smilign up at me, cutely her white hair thrown over shoulders. She was rocking her Seabrook Cheer uniform which looked amazing on her. I smiled down at her. 

"Are you okay?" She asked cupping my cheek with her small hand.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said smiling, as I touched her hand that was on my cheek.

She was perfect.

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