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"THIS SHIT LOOKS COMPLICATED," I said, furrowing my eyebrows at Peeta's drawing of the arena

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"THIS SHIT LOOKS COMPLICATED," I said, furrowing my eyebrows at Peeta's drawing of the arena. He was explaining to us what came at what time and how the arena worked. The order went lightning, blood, fog, momkeys... And then the waves.

"It doesn't matter, as long as we stay clear of whatever sector is active, we'll be safe," Peeta explained, looking at me. We were all staring at the clock drawing in the sand he'd drew. Finnick's hand was on my back, and I assumed he put it there because of my lack of understanding.

"Yeah, relatively speaking," Finnick said to Peeta.

Suddenly a gasp erupted from Wiress' mouth, causing all of us to look at the edge of the water. Gloss was holding Wiress' bony figure from behind, and a knife was in her back. He pulled it out the second the canon hit.

Wiress was dead.

Katniss grabbed a bow and shot it at Gloss' bare chest. I felt relief as I saw him fall into the water... The memory of when he choked me still made me cringe. Riffian grabbed his sword, and I grabbed a spear from my strap... We all gathered our weapons.

Beetee's face looked broken as he stared at Wiress... It was the same face I made when Alexie died.

Cashmere, Gloss' sister, came running at us, right towards Johanna. I figured if Katniss got the satisfaction of killing Gloss, I could get his sister. She was holding a knife. I grabbed a spear and spun it between my fingers before stabbing it into her leg so she would still be alive... It'd be more painful and I'd get more time to do some harm. After the suffocating her brother put me through, I felt as if I wanted to hurt her with every bone in my body. She threw the knife in her hand as she fell, but I dodged it by ducking. She fell on the floor as I ran over to her fallen body on the ground, "I want my knife back, bitch."

I pulled the knife out of her leg, causing blood to squirt and for her to flinch before I grabbed the same spear and shoved it into her chest. I kicked her dead body angrily as the canon went off.

Brutus' bald, shiny head came into view as he threw an entire sword at Peeta. Peeta dodged it as Finnick ran at him with his trident. Some kind of protective instinct came over me as my eyes widened and panic flowed through me like honey, "Finnick!"

I ran towards the scene, grabbed a spear, but by the way Finnick was standing in front of him and swinging his trident, I could only stab his leg. I did a front flip before throwing the spear into Brutus' leg. He flinched, but he was clearly stronger than Cashmere as he ran behind the cornucopia, but Katniss hit him with an arrow, causing him to fall.

I ran to Finnick and looked at him up and down, "You're hot when you're fighting."

I rolled my eyes as Finnick looked at me, but before another word could have been spoken, the cornucopia and it's bridges began spinning like crazy.

We all fell on our stomachs, holding onto the rock that the bridges were made of like it depended on our lives... Cause it did.

My heart fell to my stomach as I looked around and couldn't see Riff. I closed my eyes and imagined him next to me, in hopes of being able to put my focus on not slipping off the spinning platform and into the water. But as I heard Riffian's screams, my nerves decreased a little.

Trapped, Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now