Chapter 11

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Kyle owned one heck of a sweet ride. I thought my sports car was nice. His trumped mine by at least a hundred times. Of course, he seemed to trump me at everything else, so why should I be surprised.

His 2009 Alfa Romeo 8C Competizione was a 4.7-liter V8 powered beauty that showcased a 450 horse power engine under its sleek yet elegant hood. To boot, it was metallic blood red, low to the ground and purred like a kitten. I was practically drooling when offered the passenger's seat.

Too distracted by the smell of leather and ogling the inside interior of his car, I didn't notice as we pulled up to the entrance of what looked to be a very expensive, grand hotel.

Immediately, thoughts were racing through my head and they weren't painting scenarios I could write home to my mother about.

"Relax." As if reading my mind, Kyle looked at me as if to say, not in your wildest dreams.

My lip curled into a scowl.

Not in yours either, buddy!

After coming to a stop, he reached for my seatbelt latch undoing it so as not to disrupt my holding Chloe.

Although he said we should get a car seat, I felt that was going a bit too overboard. Besides, there was no way one of those suckers would fit in the cab of his coupe. So I elected to just hold her.

He didn't like it.

Kyle didn't want people, especially a cop, getting the wrong idea that we were horrible parents. And of course, I didn't want people actually thinking we were real parents! So, I put my foot down. No carrier!

Now, as the valet opened the door and reached for my hand, I felt a little embarrassed that I had an infant cradled in my arms getting out of a car. For a second, he looked shocked before blinking, giving me his I didn't see anythingbecause I value my job smile. I smiled back apologetically like I had actually done something wrong.

I was going to throttle Kyle!

Tipping my head back, I looked up to see the hotel entrance. It was massive and screamed fancy fancy fancy!

"Why are we here?" I asked blinking in disbelief with my head still tipped backwards on my shoulders.

"Because I'm starving." It was like no big deal to him that we were standing here in front of a five-star resort.

"It's a hotel," I said turning to look at him as if needing to break out the picture dictionary.

"Yes, it is. How very astute of you." He grinned as he swaggered around the hood of the car. "Do you want me to carry Chloe?" He asked putting out his arms.

Twisting her away from him, I answered, "In public? No. The last thing I need is for people to think you're actually my baby daddy."

He chuckled before he wrapped an arm around my shoulders urging me to move forward. "And why would that be a bad thing?"

Lifting a hand, I pushed his hand off my shoulder causing his arm to fall away.

"Because you're Kyle Warner. 'Nuf said, don't you think?"

He continued to smile not taking any offense to what intended to be one.

"Mr. Warner." A gentleman, or at least he looked like one, at the hotel entrance greeted him with a smile before opening the door for us.

Cocking an eyebrow, I glanced up at him. "Why do I get the feeling you're a regular here," I said wryly.

He chuckled. "Because I am."

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