Chapter 20

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My natural alarm clock kicked in causing me to bolt upright in bed. For a moment, I was confused as to where I was as the haze from my contacts started to push to the outer edges allowing me to literally wipe the sleep from my eyes.

It wasn't until I went to get out of bed that the memories from last night came flooding my mind causing me to nearly landslide to the floor.

I needed to get out of here. There was no way I could stay in this house another day, valedictorian be damned. Kyle could have it. I just wanted to go back to my bedroom, my simple life and to being safe Melody. Back to Jake filled mornings and secret crushes.

My mind was settled. No more Kyle. No more confusing confessions that have my heart racing a million miles a minute. No more holding my hand and wishing he won't let go. These were feelings I was supposed to have with Jake and Kyle was stealing them from me. From us.

I didn't wish for this!

But you did. You confessed that wish to Jake just two nights ago.

Slapping my palms against my cheeks, my fingertips swiped repeatedly across my eyelids until they were practically raw.

No. I didn't mean it. It was just a dream. It was just some mixed up crazy fantasy I had about Kyle and... and... oh God, I really like him!

Shaking my head vigorously, I swiped my lids again and again until I was wincing.

Reaching the bathroom, I took a long shower before finally dressing and tiptoeing out the door. Somehow, I made it to my car without bumping into anyone and the gate opened with no problem as I pulled out into the neighborhood street.

For some reason, I felt a little guilty leaving Kyle with Chloe knowing he took care of her during the night. But honestly, I was just two shakes of sheep's tail from going to Mr. Lloyd's classroom and calling it quits.

Maybe I could talk Kyle into a separation agreement where we could share the last few days taking turns with Chloe. I mean, the computer chip wasn't intelligent enough to know if we were living in the same house, right?


My butt vibrated as my phone signaled that there was a message. Pulling into the school parking lot, I parked in my assigned space before pulling my phone from my pocket.

Shockingly, it was Jake asking to meet him after school today. Guilt stung my cheeks at the thought of facing him after all the thoughts I had running through my head earlier.

How was I going to even look at him in the eyes again?

Ah, snap out of it, Melody. You're sounding like a drama queen.

My thumbs moved to create a text back.

Can't meet today. Got Chloe.

Kyle's accusation that friend's lie had me backspacing the letters. Why did he always have to bring to light my glaring faults?

So, I typed out:

At your car or mine?

I shook my head at the simplicity of the message. I couldn't give an excuse as that would be lying and of course typing out save me, I think I'm falling for Kyle was a death wish waiting to happen.

My thumb hovered over the send button and then it was gone.

Letting out a sigh, I pressed my back against the seat closing my eyes. However, the unexpected vibration of my phone made me flinch.

The message Jake sent back made me smile.

Your car... duh :-)

I typed back a simple 'K' before putting the phone in my pocket.

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