Chapter 18

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The next morning, I stretched and yawned just before the alarm as always while slowly rolling over to my right side. The back of my hand smacked bare flesh causing my eyes to fly open. My mind whirled from coming face to face with Kyle who was lying on his left side, his bare chest exposed for all of God and country to see. Covering my suddenly opened mouth with my other hand, I tried desperately to stifle my sharp intake of oxygen.

He shifted slightly causing me to press my hand over my mouth even harder, bruising my lips as well as leaving fingertip marks on my cheek. My nostrils flared in overtime as my lungs labored for air. My chest rose and fell at least three times within a second.

Oh dear, God, I was hyperventilating!

Before I could get my senses together, Kyle's hand snaked up his side before hooking his thumb around mine causing our palms to be locked together. The back of my hand pressed against his bare pectoral muscles and I could have sworn my eyeballs were going to pop out of my head.

 Shockwave after shockwave of adrenaline shot through my limbs causing me to shake. Slowly, I peeled my fingertips out of the flesh of my cheek and reached for his hand. With trembling fingers, I tried pulling his thumb back so I could hopefully release his grip and slide my hand free. That was the plan, at least.

However, that wasn't the case.

Although I was able to break free for a moment, he moved his hand to lie over my hip, his fingers now resting on my lower back. Clasping my hands fiercely together, I held them close against my chest trying like hell not to touch him while squeezing my eyes shut.

Slowly and painstakingly, I rotated my hips trying desperately to roll backward. The task was agonizing.

"Iiip," I squealed.

Just as I thought I would be able to break free, Kyle grabbed my hip and rolled me toward his chest, his forearm and hand now firmly planted against my spine and shoulder.

My praying hands were pressed solidly between his pectorals and the hollow of my throat while my forehead rested against his mouth and chin.

Paralyzed. Completely and utterly paralyzed.

Closing my eyes, I just waited. Unable to take deep breaths. Unable to shift. I just lay there hoping that somewhere in his subconscious, he would realize who he was holding and quickly let go.

Like a call from heaven, the alarm clock sounded.

Never had it sounded lovelier.

However, Kyle didn't budge.

Now this was the kind of alarm clock that got louder and louder as the time passed and by now, it was blaring to a deafening roar beating out Chloe's wails. I cringed with every beep but for some reason, it didn't seem to faze Kyle.

We couldn't stay like this all morning and my ears were starting to hurt. So, I shook him lightly with my clasped hands.


"Kyle," I said, my voice hardly above a whisper. I shook him a little harder. I could feel his lips move on my forehead.

What was he doing? Was... was he smiling?

I pulled my head back and looked up at him. His crystal eyes locked with mine and they twinkled with laughter.

My eyebrows pulled together as he grinned from ear to ear.

Dawning hit me like a bucket of ice water as I pushed his chest with all my might.

"Arrrrrrgh!" I screamed as I came to stand next to the bed. His deep laughter caught me off guard. Picking up the pillow, I threw it at his face but he caught it wrapping his muscle molded arms around it as he continued with muffled chuckles.

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