Chapter- 37

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Difficult time's going on guys. Please stay at your homes and stay safe!

Please vote and comment! Motivates a lot!

Swara's POV-

It was the engagement day and mumma was on a rampant mess. Currently I was sitting on the bed, pouting because she woke me up at 9 in the morning! Who does that? I mean, the engagement is at 7 in the evening and the bride needs some sleep. Huh!

" Mumma, relax. Why are you panicking so much? We have time and almost everything is done too!" I exclaimed.

" Yes aunty, now you relax. We will take care of this idiot here." A's voice rang in my ears and Tanya was standing next to him.

" What do you mean by that Mister? I am perfectly capable to taking care of my own. Thank you so much." I replied, offended but he just rolled his eyes.

" Beta, see to her. I am going down. There's a little work." Mumma said, walking to the door.

" Aunty, wait. I'll help you." Tanya offered and both of them went out. As soon as they did, I fell back on bed.

" Half an hour more Swara and I am waking you up at 10." He said and assumed that he must have taken a seat on the couch. I peeked at him to see that he had taken some book from the shelf.

I covered my face with the blanket and closed my eyes, instantly falling asleep.

The next time, I woke up, I had water on me.

" What the hell!" I screamed.

" What? I tried to wake you up six times. This is the only option I had." I replied casually, shrugging his shoulders.

" Aryan, I will kill you. But not now." I muttered, waking up and went to the washroom to freshen up and take bath.

It was almost 12 and both of us went down where mumma and Tanya were packing some gifts. Grandpa and Papa were nowhere to be seen.

" Mumma, where are my superheroes?" I asked her.

" They are at the venue with Yash bhaisahab and Karan. Now both of you go and eat poha. It's in the kitchen. That's the lunch today and then Swara, I have booked salon appointment for Tanya and you to go and get ready." She said.

" Mumma, we don't need a salon. We already look good!" I exclaimed and she rolled her eyes.

" I know that Shona but it's your engagement and you won't be able to do everything on your own. And that is my word. You both will go. The appointment is at 5." She said and I nodded, sighing.

" Why are you sad? Be thankful that you will look pretty and not like a monster." Aryan nudged my shoulder with his elbow and I hit his chest.

" Don't you think that you are speaking too much?" I muttered, asking him.

" Relax S, I haven't yet told aunty that you were sleeping." He threatened me.

" That's blackmail." I said, narrowing my eyes at him.

" I know." He whispered back and I smacked his arm and he smacked mine as we walked inside the kitchen.

" I don't want to eat pohe." I announced and he nodded too. We didn't like it too much.

" You wanna eat maggi?" I asked him, grinning.

" It that even a question?" He asked as I took three packets out. Yes, we always made three because one is too less and four is a lot too much.

" I sat on the slab as he started making it. Trust me, no one makes it better than him.

He was done in ten minutes and we had it in the kitchen itself.

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