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Aditya's POV-

" Mr. Sethi, where are the files that I had asked for half an hour back?" I asked the Finance manager.

" Yes sir, it's right here." He said, handing it over to me.

" Sir, you'll have to leave for London in the evening for the conference. The tickets are done." My PA said, reminding me.

" I know that Kushal. Now get the merger file for me right now." I replied, shooing him off.

Coming to think about the whole damn room fiasco, I did over react. Swara did not know that the room was done by Kritika, promising me that we'd build our pleasant future in that very house.

I laughed because of the bitterness within me.

I had thought that Kritika had stopped affecting me but that change in the bloody room brought so many hatred emotions inside me and I channeled it to Swara. She apologized but I did not reply back. What the hell had gotten into me!

But nonetheless, Swara had crossed the line. If she wanted to change the room, she was supposed to ask. But still, that was no way for me to react. It was totally impulsive.

The moment she entered the room yesterday evening, a rush of relief ran over me but I was too coward to face her and apologize. I could see fear in her eyes for me and I kept quiet, not wanting to intensify it. She went away after changing.

Moreover, she got a puppy in the house who very comfortably came to the bed and snuggled beside me a while later. It was amusing to see him try to lick my face. Such an attention seeker. I smirked at the thought.

Coming back to the room, she looked like a deer caught in headlights when she saw him on the bed next to me, it was almost comical.

" I'm so sorry. I'' take him." She said and started walking towards the bed.

" Let him stay." I replied because I did not mind. It was a cute mutt.

After dinner, I went to study for getting done with the rest of the work and when I came back to the room, she was fast asleep on the couch with the pup near her. She was almost about to fall from there so I decided to carry her to the bed. Better safe than sorry.

The next morning, at the dining table I informed mom about the London conference and left. Again, stupid of me to do it.

" Sir....sir are you alright?" I heard someone say. I looked up to see Kushal.

" Absolutely. Where's the file?" I asked, maintaining composure.

He handed the file over and left the cabin.

The rest of the afternoon passed with work and it was time to leave.

After informing mom of the boarding, I switched the phone off and closed my eyes.

Reaching London, I checked in the hotel where the conference was supposed to be held.

Texting dad about reaching, I tried to sleep but couldn't due to jet lag so my thoughts drifted back to Swara.

" Aditya, get a grip on your anger." I muttered to myself.

A few hours down the line and I found myself sitting in the conference room.

" Mr. Kapoor, we are planning to introduce a fresh face as a brand ambassador for the new laptop series launch. Let me introduce her to everyone here. Ms. Kritika Agnihotri." Mr. Ratani said.

And there she walked in. Kritika Agnihotri.

" Here she is." Ratnani said.

" Hello gentlemen." She addressed and then her eyes landed at me.

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