149th Poem: Grow Up, Black Girl (Pt. 7)

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Senior year rolled around, you were still stressed, everything was a mess
you couldn't do anything right, you were never enough, you knew it, you're stupid

you're useless, just stop

Black girl, Black girl, you don't deserve to grow up,

this pain is your life, you can't escape, just suffocate, you don't need to be here anyway

you avoided your friends, don't even eat lunch with them anymore

you stayed in the guidance office, a routine, by yourself just eating sometimes if you wanted,

stayed there at the round table, eating or not, in between lunches

you felt tired all the time, mentally you were so exhausted,

your classes got harder and your home life was still awful, weighing you down, flattening you

you ran track again but you weren't all the way there

couldn't believe in yourself, couldn't get yourself there

too much weighed on your brain and you couldn't make it go away

your dad seemed to hate you and apparently you never listened

the step didn't try speaking to you, you were a burden, she wanted you gone

because if you left she could keep going, convince your dad to move to a smaller house

you'd be off to college, no longer in her way, wouldn't that be great? it'd all be over

you got spiked, you needed stitches, you got 21 on your leg

they're still there, they're quite ugly, she didn't like them either

they hurt a lot, you had crutches, you struggled walking, nothing was fair

you already had tendonitis in both legs, you had been first place, then your chance was taken by a hair

the ugly scars still remain, sometimes you hate them too, you already hate you,

you're still small, your hair's a mess, you're not really feeling the love

you had crutches and stitches for about a week, then the guy took them out, he wasn't very neat

the nasty scars still remain, one flat the other puffy, but you get back into running though

you're just a lost puppy. 

you work hard for your grades, but you fall back and are tired. you have to do them in the mornings,

but you've already got a class so early, what is sleep? you struggle with it, take too long

everything hurts

Black girl, Black girl, why is this house so filled with hate?

you have college apps, sats, schoolwork, sports and resumes

you didn't apply to many scholarships, you could barely handle your schoolwork,

a friend talked to her guidance counselor that talked to yours and you got pulled out of class

they talked to you, you were wary, scared, over it all

she called your dad and things got bad, everything was worse and all you wanted was to end up in a hearse

you tried so hard every year to stay alive, to stop slipping away, to feel okay, to feel alive


Part seven of a long, unedited poem series; probably around seven parts written 10:58pm-12:09am June/9-10/2020.

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