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This chapter is dedicated to Teefabulous. She literally threatened me to update. She's a whole lot of vibe. This one is for you tee.


I was seated on a couch in the living room watching a TV show I had no interest in whilst typing away on my phone. The little moment Timi and I had kept replaying itself in my head causing me to blush repeatedly.

He still cares about you baby! Very much! My subconscious squealed and I mentally rolled my eyes at her. I couldn't help but smile. My little reverie was cut short when I heard slapping of palms on the marbled floor.

I snapped my head to the stairway and sighted Mide making her way down the stairs. I looked away as always. We didn't talk to each other and I just decided not to acknowledge her presence just as she does with me.

I was wrong. She wasn't into ignoring me today. I watched as she walked towards me. She hasn't been mean or bitchy towards me since I arrived and I just guessed that was what she was about to do. I thought.

As soon as she got to my front, I made to speak but she beat me it it.

"I know you think I'm going to say all sort of mean things to you." She paused for a moment and continued. "Well I'm not. I just want to talk. I want us to talk Uzo"

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I kept staring at her in utter bewilderment. Is this the Mide I know? I questioned my subconscious.

"I know I was wrong for being mean to you Uzo. You didn't deserve it. But I was also hurt by the things you said to me that day"

I stared at her unable to speak. What things is she talking about?

When I didn't say anything, she took it as a cue to sit. And she made herself comfortable right beside me. "It seems you don't remember. Let me walk you down the memory lane"

She took a dramatic pause before speaking. "You remember when we went to make our hair together one Christmas?" I nodded. How could I have forgotten? We were really close in the past.

She continued. "Well I suggested the beads you use and you didn't want them. You picked the one you wanted but I insisted you use the one I picked.
You said and I quote 'Why don't you bother about your own hair'. I felt bad as you know, my hair was really short then" She chuckled and continued "I felt you were mocking me and I decided I wasn't going to be friends with you anymore. That was why I was always mean to you"

I sighed. "But I didn't mean to hurt your feelings when I said so"

"I know that now. In my defense, I was really young and childish."

"Your reasons are justified" I said to her and she smiled remorsefully. "I'm so sorry Uzo. I really messed up big time and you're a great person. I'm so sorry"

"It's fine Mide. You don't have to apologize. I was also at fault. I'm sorry too" She smiled genuinely at me.
"So we're friends again?"

"Friends" And that was enough for her to pull me into a bone crushing hug. "I missed you so much!"

"I also missed you" I said as we pulled away.

She sighed in mollification. "I feel free now that I've sorted out things with you."

I smiled "Me too"

"Great! Now we have to catch up on a lot"she said wrapping her hands around my neck making me laugh at the cute gesture.

"But before that, I want you to tell me what's up with you and Timi"She half whispered into my ears. My once smiling face turned stoic. I literally froze.

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