Chapter 30

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Olivia's POV

"May I take you on a date?" She asked with caution. I smiled and nodded trying not to show just how excited I truly was. Just as I was about to ask her when she wanted to go on our date the bell signalling lunch was over rung. I groaned and stood up from Lauren's lap. I walked over to grab my bags so that I could leave in time and not be late for my next class. I don't need anymore attention drawn to myself. Just before I could reach her door, I felt her grab my waist carefully pulling me back towards her. I turned around and looked up at her. 

"Are you sure you want to go on a date with me? You don't think it is weird?" She asked. 

"Lauren, I would love to go on a date with you and of course this is weird." I answered. She just giggled adorably before leaning down and giving me a soft kiss. 

"I will text you the details." She mumbled against my lips. I smiled and pulled away from her.

"Okay, I will see you last class." I spoke before releasing myself from her grip and exiting her classroom. I accidentally walked into a couple of students who were waiting outside of the door. I gave them an awkward smile before hurrying myself to my next class.

I just really hope they didn't hear what me and Lauren were talking about. Everything is finally looking like it could be okay, and I really didn't want to spoil it. My luck over the past few months has not been brilliant. I don't understand why all of a sudden, I am being acknowledged by the other students. I used to be ignored by everyone outside of my friendship group and now it seems like everyone knows me and has heard of one rumour about me. 

I entered the classroom just as the bell had rung, this seems to be becoming a habit of mine, arriving at my classes just in time. The teacher scowled at me as I rushed to take my seat. Great, another teacher angry for something that I can't control. 

"Nice of you to join us Oliva." Mrs. Duncan said very sarcastically causing a few students to snicker. She hastily began her lesson averted her attention from me to the board. It wasn't much of a lesson; all she did was put up a slide with a few questions and ordered us to read a few chapters from our textbook. Although that was a typical lesson with Mrs. Duncan, she was old and lazy and just could not be bothered to actually try and teach us something and would much rather we just learn it all ourselves from the overpriced textbooks. 

I couldn't focus on the chapter I needed to read, my mind kept wandering back to the green-eyed beauty and our future date. I just hope I don't embarrass myself any more than I already had in front of Miss. Jauregui. She was so intimidating that I just found myself stumbling over my words, nobody has had that effect on me before, not even Ashley. 

Ashley. I actually can't believe her. I don't understand what must be going through her head to make her create such a drama. She just had to involve the whole school in our personal battles. What I said at the carnival must have really upset, not that it was anything remotely close to what she has said and done to me. Ashley is an egotistical person and I unfortunately managed to be taken by her charm. Looking back at how we met, I can't believe I even fell for her. She was so selfish and forward with her demands, but I was desperate. I was single and I hadn't ever had an intimate moment with someone before, not in the way we had. I'm more stunned by the fact that I actually thought she cared about me.  

I was immediately taken out of my whirlwind of thoughts when Mrs. Duncan slammed my textbook down on my desk. The noise deafening me. I looked up at her in shock and she just glared back.

"I gave you a simple task to read a few chapters and answer a couple of questions, but here you are sitting half-asleep." She spoke. 

"I'm sorry. Mrs. Duncan." She huffed in response before walking away from me mumbling incoherently under her breath. 

"Why do you always have to be such a disappointment child?" She said louder, turning to look at me. My mouth dropped open at her words. How dare she talk to me like that. She doesn't even know me.

"You can't follow simple instructions, you're failing my class, you never hand in homework on time, you are late and now this." She said, her voice filled with hatred. I stood up ready to argue with her. 

"What do you mean by this?" I asked. 

"You being a pathetic little faggot." She replied. A few students around me gasped. I don't think I was the only one shocked that she had actually said that to me. I was sick of being pushed around by everyone. 

"You are just jealous." I said. She just laughed.

"Jealous, of you. You are joking."

"You are the one stuck in an unhappy marriage with a man that can't satisfy you." I responded. Her face physically turned red. I immediately regretted my words. She walked over to me with such speed that I didn't have time to react before I felt her hand slap me across my face. I actually think I saw my soul leave my body, that hurt so much. 

"Get out of my classroom you horrible child." She said. She grabbed my arm giving me just enough time to locate and grasp all of my belongings in my hands before she dragged me out of her classroom.

"You will be dropped from my class." She said slamming the door in my face. I stood there shocked and unsure as to what to do. I couldn't go home as I still had one more class, although I'm not sure I want to see Miss. Jauregui whilst I am in a bad mood. I'm not going to miss another class; I can't disappoint anymore people today.

I backed away from her door and checked my watch to see how long I had left before my next class. Luckily, I only had ten minutes so I made my way to Laurens classroom and waited outside the door. I still had enough time to calm myself down so I could greet her with a smile and pretend like I wasn't just smacked by my teacher. I'm not entirely mad about being kicked out of her class, I disliked her and her teaching. 

The bell rang and I stood waiting for all the students to leave Miss. Jauregui's room. They all said goodbye to her before exiting the room. Most gave me a weird look as they walked past. I tried not to get annoyed by the attention that they were all giving me. Finally, all the students had left so I entered her room. Her attention was immediately on me, her mouth dropped open before she rushed over placing her hand softly against my burning cheek. 

"Who did this?" She asked. I just shrugged; I didn't need Lauren to fight my battles for me. I especially didn't need her getting on the wrong side with another teacher because of the way I had been treated by them.

"It doesn't matter Lauren." I mumbled. She just huffed in response, placing her arms on her hips, and raising her eyebrows, she was annoyingly really attractive right now. 

"It does matter."

"It doesn't. It doesn't even hurt." I lied. She rolled her eyes and walked away to greet the other students that were entering her classroom.  

The rest of her class went pretty much the same way. Dinah, Ally and Normani were also very shocked to see my face. It wasn't until Dinah showed me using the camera on her phone that I saw the extent of the injury. My cheek was already turning purple with a very obvious hand mark. Luckily, Lauren stopped all the comments directed my way and told everyone she would not tolerate any abuse to any students. I felt very relieved, at least I didn't have to worry about being hurt in her class, not if she was here at least. 

Her class ended quickly, and it was time for me to face my parents. I didn't know how I was going to explain the state of my face or the fact that I had been kicked out of my class. Today has just been a terrible day, apart from Lauren asking me on a date obviously. 

I dropped the girls off at their homes before making my way to mine. I didn't have a lie I could tell them. I entered my front door; it was eerily quiet in the house. 

"Mum, Dad?" I called out. My mum walked towards me with tears in her eyes. She raised her hand and slapped my already bruised cheek. 

"What?" I asked. 

"Get out." She abruptly said.

"Mum, please." 

"I told you already. I won't tolerate any disgusting gay behaviour." She said. I just shook my head.

"I'm not gay mum." I said. She huffed and handed me a picture of me and Ashley.

"Explain that then."

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