Chapter 2

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Olivia's POV

"Good Afternoon, I am your new music teacher, Miss Jauregui."

Her husky voice captured all of our attention as students immediately started whispering amongst themselves. My head shot up wanting to see what all this excitement is about. She was blocked behind a load of students who were questioning her on the mysterious disappearance of our old teacher. Although there are rumours about what happened, we don't know if they are true.

"What happened to Mr. Simpson?" Josh asked smirking at Ashley who rolled her eyes and glanced at me. I tried really hard not to give her attention.

I saw Dinah glare at my past lover and give her an inappropriate hand gesture. Her reaction did make me giggle.

"Don't pay attention to her Liv, you are way too good for her." Normani said very loudly as Ally agreed also glaring at Ashley. I quickly told them to stop and try to ignore her stares. Although her bright blue eyes captured my attention and made me melt as they gazed into mine.

"We all know that isn't true." I argued looking at my friends, they all looked back at me slightly annoyed.

"Livvy. You are way too good for her!" Ally persisted placing her small hand on mine and squeezing gently. Ally was there for me whilst I was trying to get over the heartbreak that Ashley had caused. She stayed with me and watched cheesy romantic movies, ate ice cream and cried. It made me appreciate Ally even more than I already do.

"Olivia." Miss Jauregui called allowing me to escape the trance Ashley's beautiful eyes put me in.

"Here." I said quickly, my voice cracking. I blushed as classmates laughed at the embarrassing moment that they all unfortunately witnessed.

"It's very nice to meet you Olivia." She said, her alluring green eyes looking into mine. My heart started to beat faster as my cheeks burned. I just smiled and nodded quickly, not trusting my voice at this moment of time. Miss Jauregui was beautiful, her dark black hair framing her petite face, with the contrast between the darkness of her hair and the lightness of her eyes making them stand out even more. Her smile was beautiful and made her eyes shine brighter, if that was even possible. On her nose was a small thin silver nose ring that just pulled her overall appearance together.

Miss. Jauregui is beautiful. I now understand what all the uproar was about. She is truly stunning,

Miss Jauregui continued with attendance as my friends teased me. "Liv is in love." Dinah mocked pinching my flushed cheeks. I smacked her hands away telling her to be quiet in case someone hears her. I have already had enough embarrassment for today.

After attendance Miss. Jauregui handed out the worksheets. My gaze doesn't leave her as she swiftly walks around the classroom. Josh said something to her that made her laugh, I couldn't stop the smile appearing on my face as her adorable giggle filled the silent classroom.

Once she had handed out all of the work, she walked to the front of the classroom and started to go over the objectives. I bit the end of my pen, watching her enthusiastically go over what we will be learning over the next few days.

My mouth started to taste funny and I heard Ally gasp next to me. "Your pen has exploded in your mouth Olivia." I slightly gagged at the bitter ink that was filling my mouth. I dropped my pen and made eye contact with Miss. Jauregui who looked shocked and somewhat disgusted.

"Go rinse your mouth out in the bathroom Olivia. Next time don't chew on your pens." She said handing me a tissue on my way out. As I was leaving I could hear the laughter erupt in the classroom.

I rolled my eyes as I walked out not daring to look at the beautiful teacher that stood in front of me. I had already embarrassed myself enough today.

I do make a great first impression... not.

I am sure after today she will label me as the weird kid to stay away from. I just don't understand why I am so annoyingly awkward. I can't even bite my pen properly. I made my way to the bathroom trying not to dribble blue ink down myself. My mum really would not be happy if I stain my school shirt again.

"Liv! Are you okay?" The familiar voices called out. I rolled my eyes again, for the hundredth time today and turned around to look at her. I shook my head and entered the bathroom, her trailing behind asking if she can help me out.

Once I managed to spit out most of the ink, I looked at her again. "Ashley, please leave me alone, I have had a bad enough day today without you coming in here trying to apologise."

"I am really sorry. I love you Olivia." She said walking towards me. I turned by back on her, watching her in the mirror as I tried to rinse the remaining ink out of my mouth.

"Please just let me explain." She started, looking at me with her sad eyes.

"What is there to explain Ashley? You cheated on me." I state interrupting her apology. "Please leave me alone." I said trying to make my voice sound confident although my lip slightly trembled. I hate how Ashley can make me feel so vulnerable.

She took a few steps towards me and placed her hands gently on my waist. Her eyes observed my emotions, knowing what effect she had on me. She smiled slightly and started to lean in.

"Get back to class Ashley." The familiar husky voice demanded.

Heartbeat (Lauren Jauregui)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant