Chapter 31: Evil Spirits

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Nikita's POV:

I'm such a bad friend and a lazy ass. I can't believe I fell asleep, I just ruined my life along with Hermione's. I'm sure Anya is pretty happy now.
I couldn't bear the way everyone was looking at Hermione and to make matters worst Asher, a guy sitting next to me at the back shouted
"No offence teach but you got a little something on your skirt" and the next thing, laughter.

I couldn't bear it anymore I rushed to Hermione and whispered a "Your stained Hermione" into her ears and quickly dragged her to the bathroom.

"How did this even happen, I didn't even........." she screamed tears flowing from her eyes as soon as we got to the bathroom but I interrupted her before she could start blaming herself
"It's all my fault Hermy, I'm a bad friend, the worst in history. I'm an idiot, I'm a lazy butthead, how on Earth could I have fallen asleep, I saw her put the ketchup on your seat but I got too lazy and slept off, I'm so sorry" I said all at once with tears iny eyes
"Who?, who put ketchup on my seat?" She asked
"It was Anya, she put it there for some reason and left with a smile on her face, I vowed to tell you and stop you from sitting on it but I fell asleep, I'm sooooo sorry" I said still crying "Wait here I brought some extra clothes let me go get them for you" I continued before running off to get the clothes


Hermione's POV:

I can't believe Anya would do this......, AGAIN.

I'm sure this is about what she discussed with Leo during lunch break.
I'm can easily change the clothes now and clean my seat but everyone in class saw me and that's embarrassing especially since news spread fast in Addison high.

The thought of that made me cry and that was when Nikita also entered with a blue, simple, plain gown and I changed into it holding my stained clothes in my hands
"I'm sorry Hermy" Nikita murmured for the hundredth time
"It's OK" I said back to her with a smile even though I knew I still wanted to cry.

We got out of the bathroom and I kept my clothes in my locker. I had no intentions of going back to class but I still did anyways and I found out Mr. Noah was back and they were talking about.......

"O, Hermione there you are we were just talking about you" he said "I'm sorry about what happened to you girly, maybe you should get one of those little girly period tracker apps" he said loudly.
Does he realize he's being nosy, loud and he's male and it's awkward when a male (especially your nosy teacher) gives you advices on this sorta stuff. My whole life is ruined
"Sir, Hermione isn't actually on" Nikita said and her term made me shrug, I hate this sorta talk.
I turned over to Leo and he looked at me pitifully, I swear I'm ashamed.
"I saw Anya come earlier and pour some ketchup on her seat" Nikita said pointing at Anya who got up from her seat angrily
"I didn't do anything, you don't have to lie to cover up girls" she said faking anger
"I saw you with my own two eyes do it and this isn't the first time you've done this" Nikita said
"Don't blame me for your mistakes, OK" Anya replied still faking anger
"It's true and that's not even blood, it's ketchup" Nikita making her voice louder than Anya's
"It is not" Anya responded

"Wait girls, there's only way one way to find out" Daylon, the school's official weirdo cried out and walked towards Hermione's seat. He dipped his hand into the ketchup and next thing his finger went straight to his mouth and every mouthed an ewwww
"It's Ketchup" he said taking some more seat ketchup and licking it as everyone made vomitting faces. Even I and Nikita.

"Dude her ass was on that thing" Asher whispered
"And what if it was actually blood" Another dude screamed from the back but Daylon ignored as he continued his ketchup but Mr. Noah stopped him and ushered him back to his seat

"So, it is true Miss Dewills" Mr Noah asked
"Fine, yes it's true" Anya finally admitted and Leo looked pissed off
"And this isn't the first time?" He asked again
"No sir but......."
"Follow me to the principal's office, three of you" he said referring to I, Nikita and Anya and the four of us left the classroom. I know Leo would be so angry right now, I'm also sure he'll be standing at the door of the principal's office to wait for me.


Anya's POV:

How could I not have noticed Nikita was there?
My vision was blurry as tears were blocking my view that I didn't even notice that lousy nerd was watching me.

Nikita and Hermione narrated their parts of the story and I was left.
I couldn't say anything, I mean, I can't tell the principle I did that to her because of a guy.
I just stayed silent.

"Nothing to say?" The principle asked once again and when I gave no response, she told Hermione and Nikita to leave the office

"I've been hearing about you picking on some students, the fact I ignored you doesn't mean I'm stupid" She said giving me an eye contact. Damn, her eyes are intimidating
"Bullying is against the rules of this school Miss Dewills, you've been spared too much, I'm afraid I'll have to call your parents" she said opening a book probably containing students information.

I'm in big trouble now, my dad is back in town and I'm gonna be in a lot of problems if he finds out everything I've done. This is all Dranes fault.


"Good afternoon dad, I said as soon as he entered the office with mum
"Good afternoon sir, good afternoon mad'am" the principle greeted them
"I called you here because of your daughter" she continued and began to tell them everything I did and other nasty things I've done which I even forgot and she finally ended her story with "As a result of that Mr. Dewills, your daughter has been expelled from Addison high"
"I understand ma'm" my dad replied calmly
"Thank you for your cooperation" The principal said before shaking hands with my parents as if they just finished making a business deal and we left the office.

Dad was quite calm over there, I'm in trouble for sure.

"Dad, I'm sorry" I murmured as soon as we got out of the office
"Why be?, this was what you wanted right?, well, you're the one going to suffer this because we are moving you to Australia to live with your Aunt Kashe.

What?, no wonder he was so calm, he already had plans for me.
Firstly I would be away from my Leo and secondly, I can't go all the way to Australia just to die.

Aunt Kashe is the most cruel person I the world, I hate my dad but she I want to strangle. I wonder what's wrong with my dad's family, they all have evil spirits in them

"Dad please, can't I just find another school here I don't want to go all the way to Australia to........" I was interrupted by a hot slap from....mum?

Why did she do that and in presence of the whole school too. Even Hermione and Leo saw me being slppaed by my own mother

"Shut up Penny, you should really be ashamed, you just got expelled and you think you can decide a school you'll like to go to, huh?, what have I not done for you?, why did you have to disgrace our family this way?, if I were you I'll take the remaining bit of dignity I have left and exit this place" mum shouted at me and i started getting glares from everyone. They were mostly laughing at the fact that she called me Penny. Tears already formed in my eyes, I ran away and got into the car waiting for them to probably scold me or slap me some more.

My life is officially ruined and it's all Dranes's fault.
I'll be back for her, I swear amd she'll hate me even more.

Author's note:

Hey guys,
What did you guys think of this chapter?
What do you think would happen next?
Who's your favorite couple?

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Stay home and stay safe guys


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